
Reviews for Pocky (#16170)

Review by Digital Prawn on 28 Apr 2011 (Rating: 3)

Spanish Chuckie Egg/Lode Runner type "platorm 'n' ladders" game, except far more primitive.

UDG graphics with character based movement although the game is a mix of BASIC and machine code routines, which speed it up a bit. The main game loop is essentially implemented in BASIC though.

The game scored 3 out of 10 in the WoS archive from one voter, which is perhaps a little harsh. The levels vary in layout and in number of enemies

The player UDG consists of a face, not completely unlike a face-on Pacman-type character. In line with a long tradition, various objects must be collected and then the exit reached whilst avoiding contact with the enemies.

Short beeps play throughout and the game does support QAOP keys in addition to Kempston.

Overall an amateur type-in style game, but I've seen far worse. It kept me mildly entertained for a few minutes.

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 04 Dec 2022 (Rating: 3)

A simple but enjoyable plattform game. You're Pocky, a cute yellow dot that must collect all the magenta objects and reach the exit to pass to next screen, avoiding some enemies.

These baddies seem to follow certain movement pattern, they don't chase you, but the game is somehow addictive, anyway.