
Reviews for End Zone (#1625)

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Aug 2013 (Rating: 1)

1987 Alternative Software (UK)
by Richard Stevenson and Paul Bellamy

Very basic Rubgy management game. It plays similar to any Football strategy game, but with a few changes so to match the sport. This could be about any team sports that uses a scorer, really. Very few options available and the one's there are too basic.

1,5 points

Review by YOR on 05 Oct 2021 (Rating: 1)

American Football management games rarely work and this is no exception. It's basically a reskinned Rugby Boss which fair enough this predates Rubgy Boss by two years but still, having reviewed that earlier I can say that and just did so there. But there is a lot wrong with this game, it's split into two divisions with promotion and relegation, which isn't how American Football works. You can buy and sell players, again not how American Football works. You have a starting squad of 11 players, again not how American Football works, in fact as far from it as you possibly could. And when the game is played out you only score touchdowns and that's it apart from the odd conversions here or there. You do realise you can score a field goal chaps. But the best bit was I won two matches out of two and then I got sacked for going bankrupt as I bought players to improve my squad and replace a player who was transferred without my initiative. Well, bollocks to this game then.