
Reviews for Fizzy Wizzy (#16808)

Review by Stack on 09 Jun 2014 (Rating: 2)

A platform gaming exercise in frustration as the jump action is fussy and difficult.

After a few quick goes I thought I might have stumbled across a little played gem but I got to screen two and the layout was uninspired and the decor was the same as screen one, and I just didn't feel any 'one more go' effects at all.

The MMiner derrivative end of game graphic exemplifies the lack of imagination that dogs this one.

Review by The Dean of Games on 10 Jun 2014 (Rating: 2)

1984 ESP (software for the Future) (UK)
by David Whyte

Well, I somehow managed to get further into the game than Stack did and actually got to level 3! (A feat, considering the key sensibility).
No, there aren't naked ladies waiting for you nor the secrets of invisibility displayed in bold letters.
BUT, you get to play a new harder level, still with the same nasties, but with a different layout.
Obviously this ain't no Manic Miner, Mario Bros or Bruce Lee, it's not even written in full machine code, BUT it's Fizzy Wizzy a simple, yet challenging and addictive game! (I must have taken a happy pill)

Q/W - Left/Right
0 - Jump
Keys 1, 2 - Music On/Off:

Review by YOR on 22 Nov 2017 (Rating: 2)

It's from the same company that brought Noah which I reviewed earlier, and while it's more playable than Noah it's still not very good. The jumping is terrible, he will only jump the direction he is facing, so you can't face right and then jump left, that element is non-existent here, which for a platformer is pretty dumb. I made a comment to myself that is feels like Manic Miner with the music and all where it doesn't actually look like it, but when I died I got splatted like in Manic Miner, so I guess it's similar after all then.