
Reviews for Gun Law (#2179)

Review by The Dean of Games on 13 Feb 2012 (Rating: 1)

1983 Vortex Software (UK)
by Paul Canter

In 1983 it looked OK, now it doenst.
Clean up the town of outlaws for handful of dollars and avoid killing the innocent bystanders.
The target movement is okay but moving around the town is quite a nuisance, slow, moves in blocks and with bad control response. The graphics are also awful.
It can be fun if you gather lots of patience and enjoy this oldies. Use the Caps Shift key to move around the town.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 01 Jul 2014 (Rating: 4)

The James Gang has taken over the town!
Somebody must clean up the town, someone with gall, grit and guts.
That person, rather predictably, turns out to be you.
Ok, so the first thing you notice is the graphics. They look like they were drawn by erm... well by me! You could call them charmingly simple but really they're just crap. They're not that bad actually, you can see what's happening and that's the most important thing.
You move around the town, using capshift which switches to a different view. When you see a bad guy, you move the cross hair over them and shoot them.
And that's about all there is to it but for some reason I find it hugely addictive!

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 07 Jul 2014 (Rating: 1)

Even by 1983 standards this is pretty shoddy. A Wild West-styled shooting gallery featuring crudely drawn backgrounds and sprites, and action which is all but thrilling.

There were much better titles around for the 16K Spectrum at the time: my mind goes to a rather similar game, Micromega's Deathchase 3D, which is incomparably superior. Gun Law is just to be left buried in Boot Hill instead.