
Reviews for Hercules (#2298)

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 07 Jan 2012 (Rating: 3)

Despite the appalling graphics, this is a pretty interesting platformer full of surprises, which will put your reflexes to a good test.

Loosely based on the classical myth of the Labors of Hercules, in each screen you have to reach a target by jumping over platforms, climbing on ropes, avoiding nasties etc. You have to perform each "task" several times, each time with a harder screen configuration. It must be also noted that you will have to tackle them in a random order, just to add a little variety.

Some platforms will disappear as soon as you jump on them; others will turn to flames, instantly killing you; eventually, if you do not reach your target in a certain time, every platform will be set on fire.

A budget underrated quirky platform game which should appeal to every fan of the genre.

Review by The Dean of Games on 31 Jul 2013 (Rating: 3)

1986 Alpha-Omega Software (UK)
by John White and Ayyaz Mahmood

Hercules looks like an 16K game, and despite not being a pretty looking game, I kind of like the unusual of it all.
As a game it may unnerve several players, because when you run out of time, hit an enemy or a fire platform the levels end abruptly, and rapidly start the next Herculean task without any warning. Don't despair, this is part of the game, and adds longevity to it, making it hard to memorize sequences and on the long run, making the game always a challenge.
I completely recommend this to any one who loves platform games, if you have the patience, it's very addictive, believe me.

Note: In some versions, to start the game, press Caps Shift and P at the same time.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 27 Jan 2016 (Rating: 3)

Holy crapness. Hercules really shows the muscles in the crap deparment - it's really got a powerful Crap Factor. It's a demented UDG platform whizzing from screen to screen with each of your deaths, plus a floor turning into flames after a few seconds from the start, so you can't stand still or touch the ground again if you don't want to die. Being Hercules you have to face your classic 12 labours, apparently each consisting of a single screen level in random order, so it's not one of those in which you repeat the same sequence ad nauseam trying to reach a new screen, and you don't know exactly what to expect next. Moreover, it's so fast, and you die so fast, that you can't even start to get bored, you just don't have the time. It's funny as running on frying pans! I don't know how to consider this game. Maybe it's pure genius. ?/5 between 2/5 and 4/5