
Reviews for W*H*B (#23478)

Review by geckojsc on 21 Feb 2010 (Rating: 5)

W*H*B is a game where you have to roll a 1x2 cuboid around on a grid of blocks, and your objective is to get it to stand upright on the marked block. There are special objects such as teleporting blocks (which warp you to a different location) and crumbling blocks (which you can only stand on once).

The graphics are pretty good. The cuboid rolls very smoothly, making it look really 3D. There's some nice music at the start of the game, and a little jingle at the start of each level (I sort of wish there was a little bit of background music whilest you are playing). The controls are completely customisable, so you can play the game however you like.

I'm terrible at games like this, and tend to solve them through trial and error rather than actually thinking. I'd say that although I personally don't like it that much, W*H*B is a very good and polished game! Well done to its creators.

Review by harry48k on 18 Apr 2010 (Rating: 5)

This is hands down one of the best Spectrum games I have ever played. The isometric 3D graphics are great and give a real feel of depth to the interesting levels. The music by Mister Beep is fantastic as always and the controls are top notch. This also works flawlessly on my 48k Spectrum Plus.

Review by popocop on 07 Jan 2012 (Rating: 5)

W*H*B is a perfect logic game. Simple rules, very good presentation, a lot of thinking and no time limit. Highly recommended!

Review by Digital Prawn on 28 Mar 2012 (Rating: 5)

Superb isometric puzzler from 2009. It's a well polished, professional-looking game, coded even to a higher standard than many titles of the speccy's commercial era.

W*H*B sports high-quality sounds and responsive movement, but the justification for giving it a five is simply the enjoyment and satisfaction of solving the increasingly difficult puzzles. Not to mention the fact that the game idea itself is highly original.

A clever idea is the introduction of levels where the player's elongated cuboid sprite can split into two independently-controllable cubes, which can then join back together again.

All I can say is I've really enjoyed playing it and out of all of the "post-commercial era" games it's certainly one of the very best. I'm also grateful that that such a good game is free to play!

Review by WhizzBang on 03 Jul 2013 (Rating: 5)

Gameplay: push a block around a 3D environment to the goal

This is a puzzle challenge type game which is one of the finest games on the Spectrum. It's difficult level is at a sweet spot where the game does gradually challenges you more and more but it never feels unfair or impossible.

Graphics, sound, presentation, controls, etc are all top notch too.

Review by The Dean of Games on 24 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

2009 by Bob Smith, Kev Thacker, Jumping Stack, Karl Gillott, Mulder, ZnorXman and Mister Beep on audio

Although I agree this is more than just a decent everyday puzzle, some levels just seem too hard, almost impossible to complete. Of course, that adds credit and longevity to the whole experience, but scares away some less patient players, not prone to puzzles.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 28 Jun 2014 (Rating: 3)

Technically this is very good. I found it a bit boring though.

Review by p13z on 29 Jun 2014 (Rating: 5)

Another 'modern', well conceived, well presented and technically impressive game by Bob Smith, with contributions from others 'in the scene'.
This is the kind of puzzle game that I am quite fond of. Roll your block around isometric levels to reach the exit. It starts simple, and introduces extra obstacles, features and difficulty as you progress.
A great game that I have spent a fair few hours playing.

Review by DanielBzD on 09 Sep 2018 (Rating: 3)

O conceito do paralelepípedo rolando por aí me fascinou a princípio, mas na prática achei ok. É gostoso de jogar despreocupadamente, tentando chegar ao fim de cada fase. Você também pode tentar jogar mais a sério, tentando terminar cada fase dentro do limite de movimentos, mas isso me pareceu um exercício tedioso de experimentar possibilidades diferentes e ficar contando passos. A música é muito boa. Não sei quantas fases tem, mas me pareceu um número bem gordinho.

Review by YOR on 28 Aug 2020 (Rating: 4)

I thought of this game when looking at Black Horse and thought I may as well look at it now since I don't have much of a random option anymore, I may as well pick and choose my games now rather than waiting for it to appear at random. And as I thought it is a far better game than Black Horse. The keys are worse by default but if you redefine them to suit you then you can at least get your head around them better. This is still a challenge like Black Horse but there's no silliness of where you can move your piece and where you can't and all that bollocks, it's simply guide your block through a level and manoeuvre it to get it properly to the goal, a much more rewarding and thrilling challenge, unlike Black Horse. I do get what The Dean says that the harder puzzles will put off less patient players, that is me to a tee, but from what I played it was enjoyable and overall a better experience than Black Horse.

Review by Darko on 30 Aug 2020 (Rating: 5)

Brilliant game. A true challenge for puzzle fans.

Review by pet1 on 06 Sep 2020 (Rating: 5)

Behind this Weird name there is one of the most original creations of the last times.

It's addictive and very well presented