
Reviews for All Present and Correct (#24034)

Review by ZX KNIGHT on 23 Mar 2012 (Rating: 5)

A Chu Chu Rocket clone on the Speccy? Why wasn't I informed of this?! All Present and Correct updates the classic Dreamcast launch title Chu Chu Rocket for a Christmas related Spectrum title, replacing the cats and mice with Christmas presents and their not-so-obvious nemesis, hammers.

The aim of the game is to guide the lemming-like presents to the sacks dotted around the screen, while avoiding wandering hammers and dropping into any holes. You do this by placing arrow markers on the screen, which will guide anything that crosses its path, present or hammer, in the desired direction. It's a simple concept that provides more than enough opportunity for devilish level designs and with 40 levels there are plenty in All Present and Correct.

Despite the humongous difference between the 8-bit capabilities of the Spectrum and the 128-bit power of the Dreamcast, the author Bob Smith has done a good job of ensuring the game plays much the same on both systems. Sadly the multiplayer aspect has gone completely but it might be for the best. The game lacks a slight fluidity that the original has, which doesn't affect single player games but could be a deal-breaker to the multiplayer game where quick reflexes and speedy gameplay are essential. Certainly a poorly implemented multiplayer could be a bigger negative than no multiplayer at all.

Nonetheless, All Present and Correct has the usual mix of Bob Smith traits, it's easy to pick up and play with slick visuals and consistently good sound and music, but contains enough fiendishly difficult levels to appeal to most gamers. It's definitely one to play if you're in the mood for a Christmas or puzzle themed Speccy game and yet another example of the high quality of much of the modern Spectrum homebrew.

Review by YOR on 22 Dec 2017 (Rating: 3)

Let's do some Christmas reviews. This is based on Chu Chu Rocket and to be honest it doesn't seem to work as well as you hoped it would but it's still a nice enough game and a decent enough version of a fun game.

Review by DanielBzD on 09 Sep 2018 (Rating: 2)

Fácil demais. O pior é que algumas fases têm um design realmente belo, engenhoso, mas isso não se traduz em diversão.