
Reviews for Caverns of Death (#24395)

Review by YOR on 14 Dec 2017 (Rating: 1)

Wow, we are in SQIJ territory with this one! I am having a nightmare with controlling my character and finding the objective to this game. I have found though that Enter is right and K is left while Symbol Shift seems to be jump. But it's a complete mess, the graphics are appalling and the game makes zero sense, and no instructions don't help but even then they'd be in Spanish anyway. All of Juliet Software's games are poorly received within the Spectrum community as there are all scored under 5, and with this we can see why.

Review by The Dean of Games on 08 Mar 2020 (Rating: 1)

1987 Juliet Software (Spain)

The game itself is weird, but seems mildly entertaining, you avoid bricks which come falling from the sky, (wait, what?) and move left/right while jumping over them trying to reach the other side of the screen and move on to the next set of falling bricks. The problem is, besides the weird unresponsive set of keys, after few bricks pile up you cant move, you became trapped, waiting to die with a brick on the head. I haven't progress a lot so I don't know if there is more than just this level. If it's just this, well, what a waste of time. If there is more, oh intrepid courageous player, you who are way beyond any of us, please let us know!!

K - left
Enter - right
: - jump