
Reviews for Platform Jack (#25882)

Review by p13z on 11 Jan 2014 (Rating: 2)

For what this is; an easy to read, non-trick BASIC type in, this is fantastic. Worth a look for anyone who appreciates such things.
It is a simple platform puzzle game. The little UDG graphics and beeper sounds have immense charm. The levels are well designed and it is genuinely fun and challenging to play for a short while.
I love this, but if you remove the nostalgia and the 'for what it is' factor, it would be unfair to rate it higher than 2/5.

Review by YOR on 09 Oct 2021 (Rating: 2)

As the name suggests it's a plaftorm game where you jump or climb onto platforms to collect the items, and you know what, for its age it isn't terrible by any means. However, and it's a pretty big however, it's got this problem where if you want to jump he will only jump the way he's facing, and if you are on a platform of one square and a wall to your right and your only option is to jump a long gap to your left, tough tits you're dead son. Shame because I was rather liking it until I reached this problem, twice.