
Reviews for Dirty Bristow - The Game (#26270)

Review by p13z on 19 Jan 2021 (Rating: 3)

A strange, and very British, role-playing text adventure.
Progress is measured in PP (Pint Points) - which, bizarrely, you are asked to keep track of yourself. On one hand, this appears to be some kind of unforgivable travesty of game design - but it actually adds to the intrigue, and is mildly reminiscent of old Dungeons and Dragons games and Fighting Fantasy Books, in a nostalgic way.
Nothing of lasting appeal, very basic, but a bit of a laugh to read / play through a couple of times.
One of the pubs featured in this game was my old regular in Birmingham, which raised a smile. I suspect some of the humour may be lost on those not versed in British drinking culture.