
Reviews for ATF (#305)

Review by The Dean of Games on 10 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

1988 Digital Integration (UK)
by Ian Beynon and Kevin Bezant

This is a different more realistic shoot 'em up, although it actually resembles a flight simulator. But after close inspection you can clearly tell this is meant to be a fast action game instead of a simulator. There is also a bit of strategy to master which adds a longer lasting appeal, but nothing too complicated. D.I. has come up with a different approach to the graphics so to make the game faster than, for instance, F-16 Combat Pilot or Tomahawk, and although they don't look as realistic, they are in fact more suitable and effective for a shooter.

Review by p13z on 11 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Advanced Tactical Fighter is an impressive war'plane shooter, with some strategy thrown in for good measure.
Some of the nicest wireframe landscapes seen on a Spectrum fly past smoothly as you battle with enemy in the air, land and sea. There is loads more control and depth than your average arcade shooter, but none of the tedium of a simulator. Game-play is fast, involving and rewarding. The presentation and graphics are very good and sound effects on the 128k are great.
This is the game Afterburner wants to be when it grows up.