
Reviews for Menace (#3121)

Review by sometimesblue on 01 Oct 2009 (Rating: 1)

The game solely responsible for making me the bitter person I am today. My mate had a single mum and had everything, including Skool Daze. I was puzzled as an 8 year old kiddie why I had two parents but couldn’t afford any games. So, not being able to afford £5.95 for Skool Daze, I saved for a few weeks to get this for £2.50 thinking it was the same thing. I was wrong. It is atrocious. Not even well-it-was-budget-in-1983-and-in-16K rubbish, just pure rubbish. Pong is more fun than this. The sprites flicker their way round the screen, the computer grunts at you, and just to provide some challenge the controls are nonsensical. Truly truly awful. Possibly the worst budget label game on the Spectrum.

Review by YOR on 10 Jun 2018 (Rating: 1)

This game's keyboard controls appear to be broken as he moves by himself and kills himself in the process, so I was forced to play with the kempston joystick mapped to the keyboard, thanks for that Menace. But even after all that the game is still horrendously bad to play. Moving your character is almost impossible and it's so easy to be hit by another pupil. The whole gameplay is confusing which makes the object of the game pretty much impossible to accomplish. How is this not on the worst games list on World of Spectrum?