
Reviews for Metropolis (#3156)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 11 Feb 2019 (Rating: 3)

Pretty cool sword beat'em up, taking place in a post-apocalyptic world of metropolitan ruins with beautiful backgrounds and a great tune in the title screen.

Review by YOR on 11 Feb 2019 (Rating: 2)

This was inspired by the Capcom arcade game Trojan, which unbelievably never got a port on the home computers. A Spectrum version was planned but was ultimately never released. So if you liked Trojan and wanted it on your Spectrum this was the closest you got to it. The level design is different and there is no jump hotspot to kill higher enemies but he has a sword and a shield so that's as Trojan as you can get. It looks really nice but for me the gameplay is a bit arse. I had a really hard time with the hit detection here and it's so easy for the enemy to walk right past you and drain your health in the process. Not impressed with this.

Review by The Dean of Games on 27 Mar 2019 (Rating: 2)

1989 Topo Soft (Spain)
by Jose Manuel Munoz Perez, Alfonso Fernandez Borro, ACE, Gominolas and Jose Manuel Lazo

An uninteresting beat 'em up, supposedly inspired by the arcade coin-op Trojan, which I'm unaware of, so I cant compare both. I must say I was expecting a beat 'me up similar to Renegade but it's nothing like it. It's a lot more boring and repetitive, and way inferior in gameplay. Still it's mildly fun to play, looks nice, some characters are very well drawn and the backgrounds are sometimes very well designed. But I can't consider it more than just another average beat 'em up with a simple platform twist to it.