
Reviews for Miami Cobra GT (#3158)

Review by Raphie on 19 Apr 2010 (Rating: 4)

From the same author of Chevy Chase, I found Miami Cobra GT very fun to play. Yes its the same as Chevy Chase where you're just driving and driving and driving and driv..but actually you're not driving, more like racing around a track and unlike Chevy Chase, this has the appeal. It looks better graphically and it plays a lot smoother. Definately worth a shot!

Review by YOR on 03 Dec 2017 (Rating: 4)

Another racing game from Chevy Chase's Nigel Speight and it's another good one and way more fun than Out Run was supposed to be, in fact I'm willing to put this even ahead of Chevy Chase because of the view and the smaller car which makes it easier to manoeuvre your car. But both are really good racing games worth checking out. And you paid far less money for this and Chevy Chase compared to Out Run as well.

Review by Darko on 28 Mar 2019 (Rating: 5)

This does what Out Run couldn’t, produce speed and excitement. And it was considerably cheaper too. This was a complete steal for its price.