
Reviews for Mindtrap (#3211)

Review by Raphie on 08 Feb 2012 (Rating: 4)

And here's another game that I took my time figuring out.....20 years I think!

Mindtrap is a very challenging puzzle game from Yugoslavia (now Serbia) and is not for the weak and timid. With exactly 999,999 levels in the game finishing it was a task of it's own!

This was my most hated game in my collection, I absolutely hated this game, 20 years on I decided to try this game again and performed one of life's greatest lessons known to mankind - READ THE (BEEP)ING MANUAL!!! If I had just taken that advice back in the day I would have really enjoyed this game, and probably would have played through all 999,999 levels when I had my patience in tact!

Good fun challenging game, I wish I had've gotten into this game much sooner. Good luck attempting a walkthrough!