
Reviews for Mortadelo y Filemón II (#3282)

Review by The Dean of Games on 31 Oct 2019 (Rating: 4)

1990 Dro Soft (Spain)
by Emilio Martinez, Miguel Perera, Pablo Cota, Ricardo Niemietz and Rafael Rodriguez

After a weird first game by a German team of writers a sequel was made, this time by a Spanish team more familiarized with the cartoon characters created by fellow countryman Francisco Ibanez. The game is a lot more interesting and playable than the first, initially may be slightly confusing due to the language, but once you understand what to do the game gets really fun to play. Tip: the subtitle of the first part translated means "Chicken hunting".

The second part which is a lot more straightforward is very original and faithful to he comics, it features the transforming power of Mortadelo in a very interesting way which adds a slight strategic element to the game. BTW in case you're wondering who's throwing stuff the title of the second part will help, translated means "the wrath of the Super (the boss)".

Graphic wise the style itself is not my favorite, maybe because I got used to older games, with smaller sprites and a lot more colorful backgrounds(although the second level is quite colorful), but this style suits very well the cartoon theme, making very recognizable each character, with a lot of detail.