
Reviews for Pengy (#3652)

Review by The Dean of Games on 29 Oct 2012 (Rating: 3)

1983 Micromania (UK)
By Dominic Wood

If you want to play this game using an emulator you should change the key options from kempston joystick to keyboard or cursor.

I cant be certain if Pengy is the first 'Pengo' spectrum conversion. What I'm certain about is that Pengy is not the best there is. I was expecting something a little more playable like Tuthankamun, the other advertized game in the loading screen. Unfortunately Pengy can be very frustrating to play, the slow movement of our character and the slow key response really spoils things up. Also the flickering sprites are not a big help. The game has its appeals though, it looks fairly good, for an 1983 game, and there are several different bonus to catch. Once you get used to the awkwardness of the slow movements you might even enjoy it... or not. But it's miles away from the addictiveness of the arcades.

2,5 points