
Reviews for El Poder Oscuro (#3784)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 16 Aug 2009 (Rating: 3)

this is a strange game. well, almost each of the sixty millions spanish games produced for the spectrum has something strange. anyway, i started the game commanding this huge and terribly slow robot, shooting at everything in sight - with this peculiar thing happening behind me: the background was slowly getting swallowed by a black void. just like in neverending story! so, i went on killing every moving pixel on the screen, followed by this hungry blackness, and fell into a giant hole into the ground. and died after a while, because el poder oscuro had reached me, i think. there was nothing that i could do to go back up on the surface. how was i supposed to get past the hole? so i tried again, and failed again, hence i was ready to give up.
but, then, pressing some random keys hoping to find something interesting related to the three icons in the lower part of the screen, i found out that pressing two or something, some kind of floating vehicle comes out of the robot's head. and so i descended the hole with this flying thing. and there i was stuck again, surrounded by shooting enemies, very busy draining my energy. there were two tunnels, one on the right and one on the left, but they were too low for the floating wreck to pass through. so i tried another semi-random key. and a little man came out of the ship. interesting, indeed. so, now - like alice after eating one of those pills, or was it a mushroom?, or maybe she drank something uhm - i could enter the tunnels, jumping happily from platform to platform, killing euphorically those not-better-identified-enemies. and then die again, swallowed by the black nothing.

Review by YOR on 12 May 2018 (Rating: 3)

This is an interesting one. You have three characters to control throughout the game. By default you control X-R-2 which appears to be a giant robotic zombie, then you have John who is a tiny man with a gun almost straight out of those toy soldier packs we got when we were kids, and then there's Nave, a flying device. The problem I had was determining which player was suited for the situation I was in and where exactly to go. I quickly determined going down the pit with the robot wasn't good and felt John would go instead but I ended up going down another pit and couldn't get out, then Nave was able to go up and back to where I came from but he couldn't fit the gaps to get through and so I was stuck. Then on another playthrough I avoided the pit altogether and flew over it with Nave and continued till a dead-end, then switched to John and continued on and went so far that the other players were rendered useless. There's far too many things shooting at you at once and it's hard to keep up with them and it won't take long to determine that the robot is so huge he's practically an easy target, so eventually it won't take long for you to "succumb to The Dark Power", The Dark Power being what El Poder Oscuro translates to in English by the way. It has an amusing concept to say the least but I don't it's executed well enough to make this an enjoyable game in the long run.