
Reviews for Red Heat (#4072)

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 07 Jan 2012 (Rating: 3)

This is a rather unusual Kung-Fu Master clone with you starring as Danko, the Soviet cop from the movie this game is based upon. Large, cartoony graphics and four different sub-games cannot hide the fact that the gameplay is very simple and the difficulty is due more to the sheer number of enemies than to the tactics you have to use to get rid of them. Still, it's good for some no-nonsense bashing, if you fancy it.

Review by Raphie on 09 Feb 2012 (Rating: 2)

Based on the film of the same name where Arnie goes all Russian on us, as if his English wasn't bad enough, I bought this back in the day right after seeing the film and hoping it would be action packed full of excitement, however it's nothing more than a snorefest. It's absolutely tedious, apperently it gets better in the later levels but I've never reached that far, level one seems to have no end to it! Indeed there are mini games but they only provided a quick fix of interest rather than make the game stand out.

So yes in conclusion it's a Schwarzenegger game and it's rubbish...poor Arnie didn't have much luck with his games did he?

Review by YOR on 08 Jun 2013 (Rating: 1)

Rubbish film and even more rubbish game. Far too boring of a game. The fighting prolongs longer than neccesary and I agree with Raphie in that level one seems to carry on forever. A definite bad tie-in.

Review by ron on 21 Feb 2016 (Rating: 2)

Fantastically boring beat em up with the typical Ocean subgames. Nicely presented, but tedious in the extreme.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 17 Mar 2019 (Rating: 2)

A step backward for Ocean, a film licence nearer to Highlander than to Robocop, quality wise.
Red Heat was an action/buddy movie starring Arnold Schwarznegger and James Belushi, not a cinematic masterpiece, but at least it was entertaining, the game is not - and Schwarzie has never been so vulnerable:
most of the time you're subjected to the baddies' punches, headbutts and projectiles and you can hardly fight back.
Your headbutts are pretty useless, while your fist is powerful enough, but a bit slow, and overall the controls are a bit unresponsive. James Belushi only appears at the start of the level, grinning stupidly, and then disappears.

Review by Darko on 17 Mar 2019 (Rating: 2)

Very dull game. What exactly does it have to do with the movie anyway? The Arnie sprite is a bit nice and the music is pretty good, but that’s about it.

Review by The Dean of Games on 18 Mar 2019 (Rating: 3)

This is based upon the movie from the same name, starring among others, one of the most prolific actor featuring in games, the one and only Mr. Scwarchteujabzneger. You know who I mean.. Unfortunately games based upon his films are also among some of the worst movie tie-ins. Red Heat in not awful, but neither it is a good game. It's just another beat 'em up like so many others, with nothing original, besides the characters being shown just from the waist up. Which by itself isn't a novelty, you can see the same in Rocky for instance based upon another movie/games veteran.
It's fun to play but on a average level only.