
Reviews for Subway Vigilante (#4985)

Review by Raphie on 10 Jul 2009 (Rating: 2)

Very disappointing beat'em up. A game which attempts to clone Renegade but yet removes all the playabilty. It takes ages to knock out someone, I must've spent a full minute trying to knock someone off his feet. The gameplay is very slow and gets boring very quickly. Shame this game turned into quite a turkey because I absolutely love the title music, one of the best on the Speccy, sadly its the only good thing about Subway Vigilante.

This game should only be played by extreme die-hard fans of the beat'em up genre, otherwise it won't take you long to find better beat'em ups on the World of Spectrum archive.

Review by The Dean of Games on 23 Jan 2012 (Rating: 2)

1989 Players Premier (UK)
by Brian Cross, Andrew Severn, Ian Sheridan and Colin Swinbourne

Doesn't this look like Renegade to you?

Review by YOR on 27 Jan 2014 (Rating: 2)

Such a bore I nearly fell asleep playing this. It takes ages to knock someone over. A game worth sitting at just the title screen as the music is really good.

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 26 Jan 2018 (Rating: 2)

Neither graphics nor the bad control of the character nor the 'variety' of backgrounds made it a good game, but it's just what you need if you're a huge fan of the genre.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 15 Mar 2019 (Rating: 2)

A very repetitive Renegade clone, with nicely drawn sprites and a couple of good moves,
but it's not enough. My arm was aching after a game.

Review by Darko on 16 Mar 2019 (Rating: 2)

The music is terrific, too bad about the rest of it though.