
Reviews for Bonanza Bros. (#629)

Review by YOR on 14 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

An absolute tripe port, not a single rewarding feature at all. It's developed by the same company who done the awful 720 port four years earlier and they clearly didn't learn their lesson. Horrific!

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 14 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

The Sega Master System version of this is fantastic. There's something wrong with the Spectrum version though. The controls don't always do what you want them too and even getting past the first guard will lose you numerous lives.

Review by p13z on 17 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

The Spectrum conversion of the classic Sega 'burgling' arcade game.
There is a lot, not all, of the original game here. The graphics could be better, but they're adequate and clear, and there is passable audio.
The only real problem is the controls. Bonanza Bros relies on ducking and dashing for cover with split-second timing, and this could be immensely fun in the original game. Having just the one fire button makes things fiddly, as it does with some other Spectrum coin-op conversions. But here, it combines with the general unresponsiveness of the controls to provide extreme frustration.
It is a shame, this game, a missed opportunity. The original is a fantastic coin-op, and ported really well to other platforms, including Sega Master System. The Spectrum version, being a full price 1992 release, could have been a lot better. It can still be fun, though, for a quick two player game. Even if it does consist largely of swearing and laughing in frustration with those damn controls.

Review by DanielBzD on 09 Sep 2018 (Rating: 2)

Realmente, os controles atrapalham o jogo. Você tem que apertar o botão rápido se quiser atirar/abrir uma porta, ou segurar por um momento, se quiser pular. Aí às vezes você quer fazer uma coisa, e acaba fazendo outra, ou então acaba esperando demais pra pular, ou apertando o botão fraco demais, não tendo efeito nenhum. 90% do tempo dá pra controlar legal, mas os outros 10% te fazem perder vidas e voltar pro começo do jogo com uma freqüência irritante.

Review by Darko on 06 Apr 2019 (Rating: 2)

The arcade game is mediocre enough, but this port is much uglier and plays much worse.

Review by The Dean of Games on 08 Apr 2019 (Rating: 2)

Not the best conversion, no siree!
I can understand the B&W monochrome scheme, but the overall feel of the game is not that great, the original arcade was not the easiest to follow exactly but this version looks a bit primitive, like an unfinished product, and it's by far the worst of any system, the ones I know at least. The unresponsive keys don't help either. A shame, this was another missed oportunity for converting a great idea from the arcades to the Spectrum.