
Reviews for Ship of the Line (#6971)

Review by Morkin on 27 Aug 2020 (Rating: 3)

I quite liked this game. It's got a 1982 BASIC-y charm to it. Richard Shepherd software hasn't brought us some of the best software (bit of an understatement there) but this is surprisingly playable, probably because it's fairly simplistic when I was expecting a proper strategy game.

Overall, it's slightly ridiculous though. As you sail around, you lose men, ammunition and rations to sunstroke, carelessness and general idiocy, in a sort of "Inspector Clouseau-esque" way. It's got a Cassette 50 'Fishing Mission' feel about it (you know, where you keep tripping over outside the shop and dropping all your fish hooks).

Anyway, as you progress through the ranks, the ships you encounter don't seem to get any stronger. So you can sail out with your enormous crew and pretty much steamroller any ships you encounter.

The only challenge in the game is the completely bizarre 'promotion test'... I'm not going to spoiler it, but if you manage to progress past 'Admiral' without cheating, you must have some sort of idetic memory or superhuman brain... After three attempts I decided it was never going to happen and gave up.