
Reviews for The Way of the Exploding Tits (#7175)

Review by YOR on 27 Oct 2017 (Rating: 1)

With a name like this you'd expect this to be some fun platformer or shooter featuring a girl with massive breasts shooting milky bullets at enemies, but no. Instead it's a text adventure and not even a good one. I'm no expert on text adventures and I'm not fond of them, hence I'll not usually review any, but there's some I'll have an attempt at and at least find some kind of amusement in it, this done nothing for me at all. If you're going to start playing text adventures, don't start with this one. It's said to be too crude for youngsters to play, but in truth it's too crude for anyone to play, and that's not because of its adult material but it's because it's shite.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 29 Oct 2018 (Rating: 2)

I never did manage to fuck Gretha :(