
Reviews for Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation (#906)

Review by Raphie on 11 Feb 2012 (Rating: 2)

Rubbish sequel to the classic Chase H.Q. Nowhere near as enjoyable as the first game and not even close to Ocean Software's usual quality of arcade conversion.

I get that Chase H.Q. was just a game that was never going to be toppled, but at least give us a sequel worth playing and enjoying and this doesn't provides the goods at all.

The graphics aren't very nice, the music is dreadful and most of the time you can't beat the bad guy unless you continue, besides why would you continue in this anyway, in fact why would you even play this anyway! It's rubbish! Not the worse arcade conversion of the Speccy but perhaps one of the worse sequels in Speccy history.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 18 Aug 2013 (Rating: 3)

It's not bad if you can put up with the graphics that keep changing colour. One minute the road's pink and the next moment it's changed to blue or green.

Review by ron on 25 Mar 2016 (Rating: 2)

Hugely inept and disappointing sequel to the masterly Chase HQ.

Review by YOR on 31 Oct 2017 (Rating: 1)

Dear dear dear what has happened here?! What is it with bollocks sequels on the Speccy? This is another of those hideous sequels that has zero charm the original had. It looks horrible, plays badly, sounds awful, the music is appalling, this is simply a horrendous game.

Review by ste72 on 20 Feb 2019 (Rating: 2)

I remember being so excited seeing this on the shelf and thinking I just have to buy it and it was going to be even better than the original, oh Ste you stupid boy. This was and still is a massive disappointment. It's not an appalling game but it is so very inferior to Chase H.Q. that it would be very hard to classify this as a sequel on face value even though it is a licensed one.

This was a waste of money.