
Reviews by Piltdown man (3)

Magnetic Fields Part 2, 09 Aug 2010 (Rating: 3)

The program loads, You get a screen that says "Jean-Michelle Jarre's Magnetic Fields, part 2".
Then it plays a pretty decent version of JMJ's classic from the 80's - well as decent as the hardware will allow.
Then it stops.

Would I play it again? No

Snaker, 09 Aug 2010 (Rating: 3)

This is a clone of the well known game 'Centipede'.
It's quite well done. You use the cursor keys to control your snake and must scour the screen munching the dots.
The dots are randomly generated, I know this 'coz I'm rubbish at this game on any platform, so I've seen screen 1 lots of times and it changes each time.

Clear the screen and you probably get to do all over again, maybe with some new features.

Would I play this again - No, there are better versions around for me to fail at.

The Computer Salesman's Phrase Book, 09 Aug 2010 (Rating: 2)

This loads as a 'cartoon', so what is it like and what do you get?

You get two boxes, one top left with a suited salesman in it, one bottom right with a geek in it. You know he's a geek because he has long hair and a stripy jumper with the words 'Spectrum World' on it.

The salesman says something like 'It's got a 1 year guarantee'. As he does so his mouth and eyebrows move and the words appear beside him in a green box.
There's a pause.
Then the geek translates this into 'Obsolescence will occur in 366 days'.

It's quaint, it's not very funny, it is a tribute to creativity and what can be done with a few lines and blocky graphics.
Watch it cycle round and round for 2 or 3 minutes, then forget.