
Reviews by judasezt (53)

Mutan Zone, 03 Feb 2012 (Rating: 3)

Spanish games are hard. This one is a hell!

Its from the same programmer from Spanish 8-bit classic "Livingstone, I Presume" ( more on classic on Amstrad CPC than on Spectrum ).
The fact of being from the same programmer its noted in that it gameplay is very similar, just with scroll.

The game bears with the usual overworked graphics and lack of optimization of spanish 8-bit games.
It moves jerky and unresponsive. Which prevent the game of being as funny as it could have been.

Anyway, for hardcore gamers.. read carefully the instructions and keyboard controls; discover the methods to enable checkpoints and earn extralives in minigames from menu sections...
if you do that,.. you´ll be able to enjoy this game.

RoboCop 3, 19 Feb 2012 (Rating: 3)

Typical game developed in parallel for all 8 bit computers. Graphics have the definition of CPC, so pixels are double sized. It looks ugly and moves jerky.

Even though, is not as bad as one could expect for a game non specifically developed for spectrum.

That kind of cross-development with CPC graphics, have given spectrum games like DynamicDuo ( very bad ) and Mr.Heli ( rather good ).

RoboCop 2, 09 Dec 2013 (Rating: 5)

Excellent game. Technically brilliant, with smooth 8-way scroller, nice graphics effects and a very good combination of arcade, platform and adventure.

In Robocop 2, Ocean Software made specifics gamedesign modifications to each computer-console version of the game.
What we have in Speccy is a combination of Spellbound and Wally platform-adventure style with Robocop original DataEast coin-op. And its outstanding.

Probably the best game from Andrew Deakin and Ivan Horn tandem. The game its hard, and you have to research before drop arms and surrender.

Anaconda, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

IkariWarriors meets Salamander.
Great, fast and furious arcade. Challenging and addictive.

Hard to master but with plenty of joy when you persevere.

MASK, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Arcade, Adventure, Puzzle, Racing, Strategy, Maze, Race against Time, Dinosaurs, Technology,..

8-way scroll, Inertia, Great Explosions, different everytime you play it..

Great game.. moreover when you have in mind that at mid 80es all great toys/TVSeries licenses were dire games just to make fast money. Not with this MASK. Kevin Bulmer, Tony Porter, Ben Daglish, etc did a great job.. again.

Soldier of Fortune, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Ghosts'N'Goblins but with a more home entertainment feeling. It has an adventure element which make the game less straight forward and linear than a typical arcade machine.

Intelligent weapon system, beautiful scroll and creepy atmosphere.

Also has the random factor of the position of objects which makes every play slightly different.

Rolling Thunder, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

I wish Shinobi from speccy would had had this engine.
It isn't a technical marvel ( like Ghosts'N'Goblins or Robocop, for example )
But it works, it is clean and it is solid. Good arcade.

Beyond the Ice Palace, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Very good arcade, well designed and addictive.

Technically good, and even with some excellences.. like incredible explosions, big enemies ( big snake-dragons ) and good 8-way scroll.

Graphics could be slightly better, but they look strong and with personality. If the game would had one more level... it would have been from anthology.

Victory Road, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Surprisingly good..

At first just looks like Paradise Software and Ocean software were trying to take profit from the cool Ikari Warriors. Also the reviewer could go to blame for programmers laziness for use Ikari code as basics.

But the fact is that everything comes together rather nicely. Is a nice variant, and is not only a data-disk ( data tape ) from Ikari.

Marauder, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Arcade from Hewson, that means a hardcore videogame.

Programmed and designed very efficiently; graphics, musics and sfx are all attractive and with good standards too. ( in-game tune is a version from a Sisters of Mercy' song )

The gameplay is basic but solid. Hardcore arcade fans will love to reach next stages and know how to confront enemies. The penalization of some power-ups will increase the challenge... These 'power-downs' are sometimes unfair, but never are cheating to player.

This is the best example of an 8 bits arcade from Spectum, C64 and CPC.

Dragon Spirit, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Vertical shoot'em up. Conversion programmed by the arcade specialist C.F.Urquhart. The game has lots of weapons, details. Moves good, Scrolls good, even has a touch of colour.

Counts with lots diferents enemy, aerials and terrestrials ( which you'll destroy with second fire-button ). Also has very big final bosses.. all different. No surprise, the game is multi-load. Lots of stuff, and professionally made. It sounds decent too, with a lovely AY tune rendition of the original coin-op theme.

Just one problem.. from third level onwards the graphics turns very detailed and is very hard too look all enemies.

All in all, one of the best vertical shooters on Spectrum.

Flying Shark, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

The best vertical shoot'em up for Spectrum.

Fabulous conversion which retains all the best action and sensations from the coin-op.

Graphically very well designed.. I've never had an issue with visibility, bullets are big enough to be visible, with a velocity which lets to player react . I find the graphics from John Cummings has got a nice balance between details and sharpness.

Enemy waves are perfect, background graphics very evocative.. ( sea waves are cool, and the aircraft carrier stages and the seaport are pure arcade adrenaline. )

10/10 Best of the best.

Green Beret, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Perfect 48k single load game.

A load which have lovely graphics, stunnig sfx.. and plays like a rage arcade.
If the game itsn't any better is because the original coin-op source itsn't a highlight.

Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Best soccer game on Speccy.
Fast and very smooth. The movement of the players is rather realistic with its inertia. Ball physics and enemy IA contribute to a good and addictive gameplay.

At eighties was very nice to play leagues and championships with friends. So was at my cousins home, until CommodoreAmiga and KickOff2 came. =)

Wizball, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Amazing conversion from C64 game.
The smoothness and speed of the scroll is a wonder.
Wizball and Uridium are exemplary conversions. They bright on Spectrum, and are not mere translations of the game.

The game itself is a flamboyant vision of Defender, with a tremendous amount of originality and fun.

Gryzor, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Good conversion of Contra. The game shows a nice job from developers.. having to program three game styles in one title, for sure is a headache for a coder.

Graphics look more appealing at Speccy than horrible brown-purple of Konami's coin-op.

It does the job fairly good. Just the game itsnt very inspired. This game would've benefitted with more stages and a game mode specific for home systems. But that wasn't common at those years in industry ( unlike at 90es console conversions. )

Ranarama, 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Based directly on Paradroid from C64.. it derivates the topic from futuristic-metalic to RPG-fantasy. Replacing smooth scroll from C64 to brilliant and colourfull graphics from our beloved Spectrum.

It success in every possible way.
Mazes with a cool map system, makes exploration a very interesting and funny task.

Elements of RPG, spells, exploration and shoot'em up are mixed in a way that makes the game a great experience.

Desperado, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Originally, Desperado was a GunSmoke rip-off released in Spain. It had enormous success in sales, also had a notably amount of bribed reviews at magazines.

The game looks great with very nice graphics with lovely color scroll smooth enough.

Users appreciated severe slow-downs when appeared two enemies on screen. This 'detail' never were mentioned on spanish magazines. These slow-downs and long loading times from stages, prevented Desperado of being a fully enjoyable as a simple vertical shooter.

Few months later, U.S.Gold commissioned the program to release it as the proper GunSmoke conversion.

Stardust, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Very nice shooter, with a very distinctive control method. While it shows an inspiration on Uridium, I cannot recall a shooter where ship responses in the way this Stardust delivers.

As bonus, the game counts with a 'Commando-a like' second load ( only reachable when first load is completed ). This 'Commando' stage also features high quality level.

Challenging and spectacular, the game is a little unkown gem of 8 bits arcades, being a nice variation on the shootem'ups theme.

While the game has all of a top-notch quality.. the monochrome
graphics prevented it to be a commercial success at time of its release.

North Star, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Good platformer with excellent technical features.
The game is a mixture of Rygar and SuperMarioBros.

The inertia is well implemented and makes the game very hard, in the manner of SuperMario and GiannaSisters.

While it can be too hard in the begining, With a bit of perseverance one can get the point to the importance of the speed with jumps. Also a series of progressive power-ups give the game a remarkable balance in gameplay.

Many users find the game slow and surrender fast. But learn how to manage yourself, and you'll find that is not slow, just a bit tricky in its simplicity.

Mr. Weems and the She Vampires, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

At same time cute and horrific, the game is great fun in the mould of RamJam's previous Dandy.

Fairly good graphics and fast movements. The usage dark colours gives a nice Poe's atmosphere, with a funny parody factor.

While Dandy is a bit better game. Mr.Weems is a nice variation.. creepy and fun.

Moon Strike, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 2)

Graphically beautiful, this is a substandard shoot'em up in gameplay questions.

No power-ups, no enemy waves nor patterns, too slow ship, poor firing range. A game concept too much underdeveloped.

A pity.

Lightforce, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Nowadays it can look like a travesty from space. But in its days it was kinda surprising, in the good sense.

It can seems impossible to follow whats going on with a so fast and brusque action.

Amazingly.. it works. Is playable, may even come to hook the player and provoke to rematch to reach further.

Switchblade, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Good game which could have turned into an excellent one.
Starts really good with fresh music, nice manga drawings with a fast intro text which gets you into the story brilliantly.

Then the game begins and results in a great exploration platformer. With graphics which remember to RickDangerous, and a beautiful map system which brings to your mind inmediately that masterpiece that is Ranarama.

Those are the great things of the game. The game shows it self like a great world to discover since the very begining.

But as you play, minor problems appear from nothing, which do not dilutes with time.

The main of these problems is that the great story displayed at the begin is lost. It feels lost. This wouldn't be a flaw in 90% of arcade games. But it is in Switchblade.
In the course of the play the game feel void of the lack of story. The lack of interludes.

Those argument issues and some minor flaws in visibility ( too much dithering, wasted possibility to add more colour. ) conform a fairly good game which could have been outstanding.

Tour de Force, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Slooow.. thats the first to take account about the game. It fails into giving a minimum speed sensation not even good pace.

Apart of that, the game is fun and have good graphics. Is a simple arcade without complexity at all.

It has the best of the intentions, and is very sympathetic.

Comando Tracer, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Fast arcade, with small graphics but with a parallax scroll smooth as hell.

It probably borrows code from Hysteria, of JonathanSmith. But we know that the best way to learn is looking at the code of the masters.

Addictive and fast, is a good arcade that demands a bit of strategy to avoid that time bombs blow up the planet with you in there.

Turbo Girl, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Not bad vertical shooter. Mixture of SpyHunter and Bounder.

The main flaw of the game is that screen size of playing area is too small. This helps to maintain a good frame rate and reasonable speed.

Graphics are nice, having a very colourful background with smooth scroller.
Other features of the game are three big size final bosses, and a nice animated 'fall to pieces' floor effects in second stage, which are of nice quality and give variety to the game.

The game is hard, but every good arcade has to be. Anyway, you'll feel satisfaction when clear stages.. Just to discover that the game is too short =(
The game has many stuff for a 48k load, but designers would have gained if they divided every stage in three long substages and extended the learn-curve.

As sidenote. This was the first game to have a TV advert on Spain. It was a combo advert between the game itself and a new era of Micromania magazine ( from which was cover ).

Combat School, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Wonderful conversion. Excellent graphics, nice musics, well programmed.. A delight of game, specially on 128k machines.

The best of the waggle joysticks games, and curiously isn't sport based, but on military instructions.

Black Beard, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Not perfect but interesting arcade-adventure with a more than decent 8-way scroll. This scroll lets the player explore the cellars in a efficient manner and fluid.

With very nice graphics, although suffering disproportion characters-backgrounds, it is a semi-complex adventure where you have to read the manual to know whats going on, know the argument and decide where to direct yourself.

The game has nice atmosphere and makes you feel the adventure. Worth a try.

Gunrunner, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Good arcade. With inspiration in Quartet, a coin-op from Sega. Retains graphics, weapons and jet-pack from that arcade, while delivers other own elements with autonomy, doesn't feeling like a flagrant rip-off.

Being slightly too rigid in its response to controls, the game suffers of a bit too stoic gameplay. Is challenging, but much of the times you do not enjoy.

Firefly, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Awesome arcade. Technically incredible, tremendously challenging, but never unfair.

The curve of difficulty is perfectly thought. Starts reasonably easy, continues with things really hard.. until you come to a total hell.

To advance is needed proceed with two type of mini-games which can make you throw the computer through the window, or win the glory; to pray to gain luck, or directly take diazepan to be more concentrated. It depends on how are having the day.

Surely the 8-way scroll fastest and smooth of the Spectrum game library. Tons of sprites on screen, lovely inertia and greats sound effects. This game is one of the greatest samples of classic autochthonous arcade games from 8 bits computers.

Athena, 15 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

This game is the epitome of unfriendly controls.

Original coin-op was equally a hard game.. maybe too hard. But its difficulty were fair.

This conversion has a lot of good points. Good graphics which resemble to the SNK arcade, good scroll. Also retains many of the weapons and power ups.

But control of Athena is horrible. Rough response and awkward to turn direction.. something which is key to confront enemies. Also the crouch system is equally clumsy and unfriendly.
Jump difficulties are basically similar to the ones of the coin-op, but worst.

These flaws makes that other minor problems with enemies get magnified. Something that other way would've been easily acceptable.

A wasted opportunity to have an early good cute manga arcade on our Spectrums.

Slap Fight, 16 Jan 2014 (Rating: 2)

The tiny size of enemy bullets, nearly invisibles, ruins the game.

The game lacks the polishing from the excellent FlyingShark conversion. Bullets problem ends with all hope.

Mr. Heli, 16 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Very good shoot'em up with a lovely main character which can fly and walk on terrain. Armed with lots of weapons, the game manages to move lots of sprites on screen.. enemies, explosions, missles, bullets, grenades.. a great amount of stuff which moves well with a good scroll, more that reasonable.

The only weak point are the dreadful graphics ( seem directly brought from CPC version ), being the only element which prevent the game of scoring the highest note.

Rygar, 16 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Really addictive conversion.
The program is not very sophisticated. At last quarter of 1987 one would hoped an smoother scroll and best animations. An attempt to imitate Cobra, even if only can be reached the quality of Gunrunner.. The game offers nothing with such technical care.

And while the game technically disappointing.. in gameplay department it works perfectly. Remembers the very good coin-op arcade and have the one more play factor.

Zynaps, 16 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Probably the best horizontal shooter of Spectrum, and the only completely original 8bit game from legendary Dominic Robinson.

With a weapon system reminiscent of Nemesis/Gradius, still having own personality and differences to erect as an original game.

Real two cannon firing, Inertia movement.. you'll need to power-up these features to be able to confront space battles with minimum guaranties.
Very remarkable is the intelligent use of Homing Missiles and Seeker, both brilliantly programmed and designed.

Great shoot'em up which distils quality from every bit.

Phantis, 16 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Originally released in Spain as Phantis, for international release was renamed as GameOver 2, because Electronics Arts wanted to take profit of previous success that Dinamic Software enjoyed with Game Over.

The game features two totally different separated loads. First one being shoot'em up stages with spaceships, monsters and gigantic snakes.
Second load is an arcade adventure with nice graphics and a few objects to collect needed to advance.

The game is very nicely presented and efficiently programmed. But counts with a general flaw which isn't obvious at first sight. This flaw is that is incredibly easy.. it flows so good, that you advance without even noticing.

This details annoyed many players at its time. Curiosly, at Spain, the game didn't sold too well.. Analysts thought it was because at 1987, the approach of controlling a woman-hero for rescue his boyfriend, wasn't attractive for buyers.

Score 3020, 16 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

The game is an idea, but it wasn't properly implemented nor enough studied.

So, there is no game, no quantum.. is a fraud.

Erbe Software was the big distributor company of videogames from Spain. TopoSoft was a subdivision of games development.. with a front man.

Big boss at ErbeSoftware had whimsical thoughts of a Pinball destroying tanks and being a war action game.. and being this a potential good idea.. the arse-licking personality of TopoSoft front man/director ruined the development of the game. He didn't realize that he had to let real workers programmers and designers do a proper design for gameplay and development..

The game idea is attractive, but development lacked real direction.

Vixen, 17 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Heavily publicized game, it counts with a decent premise and a good technical level. Nice graphics, good animation, nice flow of movement.. and even a truly memorable title tune from the criminally underrated Jas C Brooke.

To tell the truth I didn't expected so good quality in a so much publicized game.
Then the game starts, and seems well designed and with good concept of jump'n'run and collect'em up. Even has extra bonus stages not bad planned.

But the sum of all factors doesn't give us a better product. Feels uninspired and lacks that 'something more', lacks 'a good third act' that would say in drama theater. The game fails into doesn't gives you a sensation of crusade against evil, because its not varied and reach too early until a point when you doesn't hope an extra detail of quality or discovery. Although the wish of get better score and collect more gems is there, should be stronger.

Bubble Bobble, 18 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Mike Follin did a great job converting Bubble Bobble. It brought together much of the coin-op arcade in a very efficient way and successful.
Few elements from the coin-op are dropped.

Only one real flaw is what affects the game. And this is the control response. It feels a tad more rigid than coin-op. If it weren't for this stiff response to controls, the game would be a masterpiece of conversions.

Rainbow Islands, 18 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Amazing conversion. Character based movement doesnt feel jerky. Screen layout is a nearly perfect replica from the coin-op. So are music and sound translation to AY chip.

Graftgold again reached a 10 over 10.

Batman: The Caped Crusader, 18 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

On Spectrum, whichever game of Batman you choose is magnificent.
This one isn't an exception, features super graphics, lot of action, puzzles and two different missions. First mission is against the Penguin and his bomber plan for Gotham. Second mission is to rescue Robin kidnapped by Joker.

Players have to get used to constant energy losing. Something not unusual in Spectrum arcade adventures. One time you learns how to manage yourself with this issue, get ready to look for objects and improvise where to give them use.

Last Ninja 2, 19 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

At the time of its release, was unbelievable. The zenith into 3d isometric graphics games. Its quality graphics blew away everybody's mind.

The game was an action adventure with many weapons, combats and puzzles.

Nowadays the control system seems overcomplicated and slightly unfriendly, but at its time wasn't perceived as a flaw. The beauty of the game, and the enveloping of the adventure made you assume as just hard to master.. ninja techniques must to be that hard. =)

LastNinja 2 was a C64 original title regarded as a landmark in isometric games. Converted perfectly to the Spectrum, only the great tunes are missed, reduced onto a jumbled cover of the title theme.

Last Mission, 19 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Not too unfaithful conversion of a poor coin-op.
The game translates relatively well nearly every elements of the arcade, main differences is that everything moves with more rigid behaviours.

Another difference is the control while coin-up uses 8 direction joystick, this speccy conversion only needs left-right buttons for clockwise and anticlock.

Apart of that, the game brings very well all the routinary progress and frustration of the arcade. Special mention to the very nice cover of the title theme to 48k multichannel buzzer, surely the best from each version.

The Bounty Hunter, 20 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Very nice Gun Smoke clone.. but not only that, it also features stages reminiscent of ExpressRaiders ( riding horse chasing a train ) and Boothill ( this one for the final boss stages )

Not bad for a budget release at all.

It moves well, has colour.. and is taxing. Thats good for an arcade.
Is important to keep an eye in ammunition reserves and collect more.

Although is not very smooth, and would have been a better with a progression in difficult curve ( an usual flaw of low-price games ) is superior to GunSmoke and Outlaw, the other vertical westerns of Spectrum softlogy.

I would liked to have an Speccy Gun-Smoke clone with three buttons of fire.. like the coin-op. something very affordable using keyboard. Seems that at 80-90es seemed a complication for playing.

Recommended for arcade shoot'em up lovers. 3.75/5

Mountie Mick's Death Ride, 21 Jan 2014 (Rating: 2)

Action over a roof train on trail, a classic in action games of the eighties. A winner bet to get exciting action.

This 'Mountie Mick's Death Ride' delivers the effect very efficiently, and even with some excellence in the quality of the parallax scroll.. very smooth and with great flow. Also the sprites moves very well.

But the game is boring. And its flaws put the things even worst.

- First, to kill an enemy with your gunfire, you have to target upper part of his body, because if you impacts in their legs.. nothing happens.
- Second, whenever you release from stairs from down to up.. 99% of times you release jumping ( jumping like a stupid to be precise ) in middle of this involuntary jump.. you are cannon fodder.
- and Third, jumping and shooting is clumsy.

Mainly these three problems, and some more bugs, gets in detriment of the gameplay in a way that you do not want to keep progressing.

Graphics aren't great, but sympathetic enough. It could have been a nice arcade. Even better if they had included non train stages in between.

Two good poins about the controls.

First, you can kill enemies by falling over them.
And Second, you can download from some wagon roofs by pressing down in the middle of jumping.
Good luck!

btw, congrats to TheDeanOfGames for his 1000 review!

Guerrilla War, 22 Jan 2014 (Rating: 2)

I like this game. It is a disaster in almost every department, so the score is gonna be low. But I confess that at 80es I played it and got addicted. I reached final stage, and that gave me great reward. I sensed good arcade action.

It conveys very well the sense of get careful with where you put your feets. Because you can get receiving a bullet by an strategically well located enemy. In that sense of being confronting an ambush after another, the game really succeeds. The action is cool, there are enough different weapons, many enemies, explosions, destroyable backgrounds and even vehicles... vehicles to confront and to ride too.

Just that graphically is horrendous.. overworked, ugly, dirty, blocky..
The programming is better than it seems at first. Because maybe the scrolling isn't a wonder, but there wasn't many options.
Bugs end to ruin the product.. some times picking up a weapon makes you die, and also is possible you get stuck in background having to restart.

As positive note, the controls with two extra buttons for rotating fire direction is a very good choice which eg., ForgottenWorlds had to have included, and IkariWarriors and VictoryRoad would enjoyed too, although the toggle button they had is not bad either.

Batty, 29 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Promising brick'em up that doesn't delivery all that good at the end.
While is technically very good, it lacks good game design. The challenges that the game offers are not very palatable due to cold environment of the game. Too hard, ugly sprites and icons.. the game is uninteresting.

Blood Brothers, 23 Feb 2014 (Rating: 5)

Difficult and rich game of exploring. With a modern touch, also has a feeling of classical Spectrum program with all the identity from Gremlin Graphics games.. from MontyMole platformers until futuristics DarkFusion hardcore, passing by Mask's VenomStrikesBack sense of fun and arcade adventure.

The two characters cooperation team gameplay works incredibly good. It makes the usual Speccy platformer gains an strategy element which works wonders. If you like both ThunderBirds games, Aliens, HeadOverHeels.. and similar team arcade adventure games.. this one works every bit as good.

The fun factor comes when you have to perfect the strategy with the two heros. You can share resources between characters when they meet onscreen; You can attack an specially hard enemy from two separated points, your boys coming from different entrances from the map. All these moments comes with a sheer naturality, and are inherent to the pretty good design of the overall game.

Enemies are to be studied. While they remains again as the classical Spectrum's tiny sprite, its behaviour doesn't feel cliche... a mixture of pattern following and with nasty seekers. Their combination with terrain and false walls urge the player to be selective in your actions.. because sometimes you feel you been ambushed.

A must to manage the game is to deal with inertia. It has a lot.. but a lot more when you fire your gun because of the recoil. It is very important to be careful. This annoyed many players in its time.. but it makes the game less predictable and monotonous. If you are an experienced gamer in the search of new oldschool challenges.. then you're in luck. If no.. its a matter of caution and practice.

While jetbike stages were excessively praised by its time reviewers.. they seems like a good solution to get a good looking subgame which uses as many precious Kbytes as possible.
Anyway this is not a simply bonus game, it is needed to move yourself around different entrances of the map.

More over, coming with three loads.. the game promises a long lastability of real challenge for experienced players.

ManicMiner meets Exolon and Thrust.
Scumball+DanDare2 with a Deathchase subgame.
Non-linear Cybernoid with a cooperation Metroid gameplay.

A nearly forgotten gem of Spectrum gaming. And never enough recognized.

Monty Python's Flying Circus, 15 Jun 2014 (Rating: 4)

Surprising good arcade game. It is a very good rendition to Monty Python absurdity... which is even higher in Amiga/ST versions.. which ones counts with cutscenes logically missed on 8 bits.

The thing is that, at those years, Core Design made all versions of their games very good. So the game is equally good on CPC, C64, Atari and Amiga.. and of course on our Spectrum.

The gameplay is a nice mixture between SuperMarioBros and Mr.Heli.. It have many secrets, and moves well, looks rather good, and sounds correctly.

Just if would been some kind of power-ups, bigger extra collectables, and some more technically impressive end of level bosses.. the game would been perfect.

Typhoon, 29 Aug 2014 (Rating: 4)

Decent conversion of the very cool coin-op.

Originally, the 48k multi-load version is a pain. At this version, one would have desired that F-15 stages were distributed differently around the game.. joining more similar stages per load. Some coin-op versions of this Typhoon a.k.a Ajax had different stages ordering.. so gamble with this issue in speccy version would've been intelligent.
Anyway, if you had 128k.. it loads the whole game at once and have AY sound and music. Good!

The heli sections are rather good, while differing in some details from the original arcade. All moves smoothly and fast.. even more smoothly and fast than FlyingShark and SWIV. Pitiful, gameplay lacks a bit of polishing, preventing to be a truly great arcade.

The Last Mission, 31 Aug 2014 (Rating: 3)

Cybernetic arcade with a slight puzzle element.
It bears elements similar to Cybernoid and Highway Encounter,.. not bad..

The game is very very hard.. it compensates the fact that is relatively short. Just that sometimes dying as soon as you enter in a screen, is a bit irritating.

Although release date is 1987 ( and counting with an AY tune ), its graphic style feels like a 1985 title. Which surely affected in sales numbers.. but is an overall good arcade.

Erik: Phantom of the Opera, 16 Sep 2014 (Rating: 3)

This game had potential.

It enjoyed a very good marketing campaign, with many adverts in magazines. Pitifully, it was bashed because of its harsh hard level of difficulty.

What we have here is a potentially Castlevania on Speccy.
While its background graphics weren't exactly praised at its time, I find they are reasonably good and atmospherics. Earning points because they are designed for an 8-way smooth scroll, and that kind of things costs lot of RAM from our 48k Spectrum.

It bears similar aspects of RollingThunder, Beyond The Ice Palace, and Robocop. Just that it release date is way before those platform arcades. Also has an small adventure element which makes it more interesting.
Even has some ManicMiner kind of platforms and enemies. Just with glorious 8-way scroll and shoot'em up action.
Also, the game is relatively short, and very hard. Something which, without flaws, is an intelligent balance.

Then.. what failed? why is so hard?
Well, its so hard because of its incredibly uncomfortable jump and duck system. This system makes you feel, as a wooden player.. it makes you jump without wanting to.
It would have worked well that when you fire it automatically stops from walking.. but in this game YOU ARE FORCED TO STOP MOVING for shoot your gun. Very awkward for an action game.