
Reviews by psj3809 (24)

Flying Shark, 01 Aug 2008 (Rating: 4)

Great game, lots of action. Not very colourful but a great shoot em up with some superb long levels. Recommended !

Rebelstar - Search for the I.O.N Gun, 01 Aug 2008 (Rating: 5)

Probably the best game ever for the Spectrum. A true masterpiece of platforming fun, epic.

If Crash were around they would have given this probably 95% at least and the game would have sold millions.

Stunning graphics, very well designed levels and apparently by a very talented programmer.

A game which cant be faulted on any level, a true classic


Jack and the Beanstalk, 01 Aug 2008 (Rating: 1)

Possibly the worst game ever created, shocking collision detection, dire.

Farmer Jack and the Hedge Monkeys!, 01 Aug 2008 (Rating: 5)

Bob does it again with the sequel to Farmer Jack.

Great version of Ladybug which is an underated arcade classic, still play that on MAME a lot.

Its a bit like Pacman but you can use the gates which swing back and forth to get away from the baddies.

Very addictive and also a very polished game, A+

Elite, 01 Aug 2008 (Rating: 5)

Brilliant game, trade, shoot pirates, go kamikaze, get ore from asteroids. Bit of a 'marmite' game with some people but i think its a masterpiece. Hasnt aged well but back in the day this game ruled supreme.

Jackal, 01 Aug 2008 (Rating: 1)

Loved this game in the arcades, hated it on the Speccy. Just shoddy, terrible conversion, pathetic graphics, bad gameplay, terrible

1942, 01 Aug 2008 (Rating: 3)

Not the worst shoot em up but could have been so much better, Flying Shark is the better game in my opinion.

Poor sound effects, lots of levels though

Knight Lore, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 5)

A true classic, yep theres a fair few moments when the action goes slow but this really is a classic game.

When i first saw this game in the 80's i was blown away, graphics were so much better than anything else at the time.

A true Speccy classic

Bruce Lee, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 4)

Bruce Lee is a superb game for the Speccy, granted its very easy and you'll complete it probably on your 2nd or 3rd go but the game is very engrossing.

I still play this game many times, theres some great puzzles in the rooms, beating up the 'green' yamo or the ninja is always entertaining.

Just hearing the music or the 'pitter patter' of Bruce running takes me straight back to the 80's and playing this game.

An excellent game , just a shame they didnt create a sequel

Match Day, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 4)

Loved this game back in the day and I must admit I was a grandmaster of this game ! My best score i still remember was 22-0 on the hardest level.

The game hasnt aged well I must admit, on the easiest level the computer really is dreadful and kicks the ball out of play often.

But for the Speccy back in the early 80's this was by far the best footy game there was, Match Day II (Despite its more 'cute' graphics) was far better but for many Match of the Day was one of the first footy games they played on the Speccy, a classic.

Match Day II, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 5)

Match Day was great when it first came out, Match Day II was even better.

Playing 2 player co-operative was brilliant, the computer was much tougher and the league/cup were a great challenge on the hardest level. You could now backheel the ball and the gameplay was much better than the original.

Saying that its still quite slow but for fans who first played it back in the day its still a great game.

Super Bowl, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 2)

What a terrible game. I'm a huge american footy fan and couldnt wait to get this, waited ages and ages, was about 6 months late but I was happy to finally receive this.

What a complete buggy mess, a terrible game, potentially a nice idea but just never worked properly. Passing is near impossible, the game has tons of bugs, dire.

Because of this game (and saving up for weeks) I thought sod it and was quite happy getting copies of games, specially Oceans. This terrible game made me happy to receive pirated games !

Daley Thompson's Decathlon, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 4)

Considering how old this game is its really a classic. Yeah Daley might be white in this game but the events and gameplay are just superb.

Track n field was huge in the arcades and this was the Speccys very own version, brilliant and so playable.

Hearing the tune when you start just takes me back to me and my mate pounding the keyboard trying to get a great speed. Great times

N.O.M.A.D., 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 4)

Very underated game by Ocean, NOMAD was an excellent game which me and my best mate (Mark.G) played a ton and got very far with it.

Its well worth playing, its a bit frustrating when you cant stop instantly but you soon get used to it.

Excellent game by Ocean with a lot of good level design, quite a few screens to go through also !

Please play it today !

Midnight Resistance, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 5)

For some reason I never played this until 2007 on emulation !

I just never liked the screenshot of the guy on the jeep, how wrong i was ! Finally got round to playing this and I loved it, the levels are superbly designed, theres a great host of weapons to get, tons of baddies and end of level bosses.

Just a superb game, one of the best

Miami Vice, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 1)

Another reason why I turned to pirating games as a kid. I bought this pile of tripe back in the day and it was awful. Just awful.

Shoddy graphics, crappy sound effects, looked like something from 1982 on the Speccy. DIRE

Knight Rider, 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 2)

I bought this 'game' from the Olympia computer show back in the mid 80's. What a terrible decision that was !

Knight Rider had been delayed for agessss, that should have been the major warning sign but no, i somehow went and bought this.

Just a terrible boring game, when you reach a destination you then have to get to a section of the room, touch a baddie and you die. Just so boring.

Terrible game by Ocean, terrible

Farmer Jack in Harvest Havoc!, 08 Jan 2009 (Rating: 5)

At last the Speccy has its own version of 'Mr Do!'

A superb game created by Bob Smith, great tune playing throughout as well. Shockingly somehow got a poor review in Retro Gamer, i normally agree with most of their reviews but this one i didnt at all.

Very playable game, either drop fruit on the baddies or a nice touch is to drop bombs.

Gets very difficult later. I'm certain this game would have been a Crash Smash back in the day, excellent game. 5/5 for sure.

Sir Lancelot, 12 Feb 2009 (Rating: 5)

A brilliant platform game ! Apparently the last 16k game created as well !

Back in the day me and my best mate (Mark) used to play this a ton. We became very good at it, reaching the end level a few times.

Sir Lancelot is very playable, you cant die falling from any height, the gameplay is superb and the levels well designed.

An excellent game, yeah its got basic graphics and sound (and it frustratingly takes a while to 'die' if you are at the bottom of the screen) but its a true playable classic.

Headcoach, 12 Feb 2009 (Rating: 5)

One of my favourite games ever on the Speccy !

Granted you have to like american footy first of all ! This is the american 'Football Manager' equivalent.

A great game coded in BASIC, you draft players, choose your lineup, trade with the computer, call plays and timeouts, its superb.

Yes you only have 2 downs instead of 4 and you cant punt but its still an excellent game and I had many last minute wins when i used to play this non stop.

A classic in my eyes !

Lightforce, 25 Feb 2009 (Rating: 4)

I've used Lightforce in many arguments when a C64 moans about the Speccy having no colour in games !

Most Speccy games aren't colourful yet have great gameplay, Lightforce is slightly the opposite !

The graphics and colours are superb, but the game is , well quite dull ! I've still given the game a 4 as its a great little shoot em up but it could have been so much better. The levels and enemies arent that exciting but I do tend to go back to Lightforce quite a lot for one more go.

La Abadia del Crimen, 27 May 2009 (Rating: 4)

A very impressive game, just make sure you find the english hack ! If you arent sick and tired of isometric games then give this one a go, very impressive.

Sadly idiots ruined the voting on World of Spectrum by constantly giving the game 10/10 to get it to number 1. (And giving rival games 1/10) (Allegedly !)

An impressive game, just a fair few still haven't tried this game out and just know of it due to the voting abuse at WOS. Well worth trying out.

Isometic games were slowly disappearing in the late 80's, Knight Lore was the first, Head over Heels and Batman took the genre slightly further. La Abadia is a very good game and well worth trying.

Airwolf, 23 Jun 2009 (Rating: 4)

Airwolf is quite a controversial game, the total opposite of Bruce Lee, Airwolf can be very frustrating and very difficult but stick with the game as it gets better and better.

The first major screen is the famous 'wall'. This is actually easy to shoot through, keep pressing down/up (Dont float down) so you can shoot horizontally to destroy the wall. With practice this is easy to do.

The second wall you dont even have to blast, theres a screen on the left for a reason, come in from the left and you can fly around the wall before it builds.

The game is a decent shoot em up, needs a few more screens but for its day I think its a great little game and one I played a ton back in the day and still enjoy a blast now. Just hearing the sound effects brings back memories of taking turns playing this game with my best mate at the time.

Sir Fred, 23 Jun 2009 (Rating: 4)

Another game bringing back great rose-tinted memories !

The original Fred was excellent for its time, great graphics and an enjoyable game.

The sequel was good but was very tricky, the most frustrating part was the inertia (Think thats the word) as Sir Fred wouldnt stop instantly.

This game was much different from the first, much more difficult but well worth perservering. Great little title