
Reviews by spud (10)

Dave Infuriators, 14 Aug 2013 (Rating: 2)

Wow. What a pile of tosh. Who wrote this crap??

The Lost Tapes of Albion, 15 Aug 2013 (Rating: 5)

I don't think it would surprise anyone to know how much I love this damn game.

The quirky tapes you are rewarded after each completed level are genuinely funny, the wonderful graphics of the sprites have so much character.

The difficulty level is pitched well although you'll need every single one of those 30 lives to get through it all. The final game over sequence should you win it is a marvel, and well worth persevering with - there is no lazy flashing GAME OVER nonsense here.

Not only the best game in the Moebius series, but I'd say it was the best game of 2012. No contest.

Chuckie Egg, 19 Aug 2013 (Rating: 5)

There is a real fluidity to this game that I believe is unmatched by any other platform game.

Sorry Matthew Smith, you're given far too much acclaim for Manic Miner and Jet Set WIlly. They're great and all...(but are they?) but THIS is the defining platformer on the Speccy.

Nigel Alderton: I salute you.

Wizard's Lair, 19 Aug 2013 (Rating: 3)

Lovely graphics, lovely sound, plays well. Too hard perhaps? Too fast maybe? I agree the key system is a pig.. even for experienced players.

I've played this more than Atic Atac.

Nick Faldo Plays the Open, 19 Jan 2014 (Rating: 4)

Bought this but the damn thing never worked. I tried and tried to get it to boot up but it refused every time. Even Load "" didn't work. Should have taken it back to the shop I suppose but why didn't we? Who knows.

All I can base this on then is the screenshots on the back of the cassette and they looked jolly good, so we'll give it a 4. It might have got a 5 if they'd been Speccy screenshots rather than C64, though.

World Class Leaderboard might be better. At least it worked, and the box was about twice the size.

The Steelyard Blues, 19 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

25 years ago I would have rated htis a 5. Looks good, plays good, sounds OK, has a built in level editor. Endless fun.

Such a shame it was a rip off.

Shame on you Harry S. Price. You prick.

Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry, 20 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

Notable only for the LOAD "" CODE loader - something to demonstrate my superior spectrum skills to my friend at the time.

I like the alliterative title and it gives me one of those warm reminiscent glows, but would I play it now?


Wriggler, 20 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Do you take the risk and go for the skeleton key or do you head straight to the mansion and hope you can figure out which order to unlock the doors?
I've only ever managed to complete it by going for the skeleton key, but you need good luck to avoid the spider on the way down to it, and you need an "extra life game" to make sure you'll reach the finish line. That is hard enough, but doing it the other way (the right way?) must be damn near impossible.

Have you ever managed to keep up with the other contestants in the race to the finish? They're super human.

The graphics are detailed and full of character. The skeletal spider is a real treat as it creeps along the screen dishing out instant death to any maggot that touches it.

Sound is fine. Good title screen music. In game spot effects work well enough. Love the change of pitch the closer to death you get. The clockwork spiders make a satisfying noise.

Let's be frank about this for a moment: This is one of the greatest games on the Spectrum, isn't it?

Robot Riot, 20 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Inside out pacman.

Some nice graphical touches, and the enemy bots have some nice characterisation but the whole thing is a bit ploddy.

Beebul, 24 Feb 2014 (Rating: 2)

Looks quite nice, clever design means no colour clash. Very smooth, but lacks any nicities like a walking animation on the main character! He slides about like a table football piece. The game itself is mundane, and apparently impossible to get past level 5.

I'll never play it again. 10 minutes was more than enough. Soz.
