
Reviews by Jordy (132)

Auf Wiedersehen Monty, 02 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I found the game to be way too difficult to be satisfied with. The graphics are great and the music is excellent, but the gameplay never did it for me.

Captain Blood, 02 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Man this game is confusing as hell! It certainly looks interesting but I've never been able to understand it properly. Too complex for me.

Oh Mummy, 02 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

I always liked this game, the keys don't always work well but it's still a nice game. There's certainly better Amidar games out there but I hold this particular game close to my heart.

Pac-Mania, 02 Nov 2014 (Rating: 5)

I always loved Pac-Mania and I love this port. Yes it's slow but it's still got excellent gameplay just like the arcade version and the 128K music is amazing. Great conversion.

A Question of Scruples, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This is quite a nice game but gets a bit predictable. On occasion a player makes a challenge and that player always wins. So it get repetitive quite easily but I still quite enjoyed it.

Full Throttle, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This isn't a bad game and it's quite fun, but the gameplay is rather unfair to me, I guess that creates an element of skill that caught onto to many players, but too bad it didn't catch onto to me.

Full Throttle 2, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Well the graphics are better but I refuse to call this a sequel, more like an inferior clone. Surprised they didn't try to do a Deathchase 2. Upgrade of original games sometimes work, but this was some like a downgrade.

Yie Ar Kung-Fu, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

I always enjoyed this game, even if the controls are quite difficult, but they are easer here than in the arcade version. The 128K version has great sound but is so much easier while the 48K original is as challenging as the arcade original. Thankfully both lived up to my expectations.

Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

I had a feeling this would be crap looking at the scores, and that's exactly how it turned out. I suppose changing the format from the original was to bring so originality in it and spark up their own ideas rather than relying on the arcade developer for them, but why did they have to make it so boring and so poor? Like Full Throttle 2 I refuse to classify this as a sequel.

Two-Gun Turtle, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This could have been a nice, fun game to be but it's not because it's far too difficult and because of that you die too often and the games are often too short. It was funny finding it but the game itself is hardly funny.

Xeno, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 5)

This is an excellent game! It's incredibly fun and even better with two players. This had me gripped til the very end.

Continental Circus, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

I get the control issues but this is still a good game in spite of that. I found it to be quite thrilling in fact.

Death Stalker, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Very nice music in this but I personally didn't find much enjoyment with this game.

Green Beret, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

There's no doubt it looks beautiful and it's really well programmed, I just struggle to like this game because it's quite difficult. Saying that I was never a fan of the arcade game to begin with so maybe that explains my difficulty getting into this.

Platoon, 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I personally found this to be extremely frustrating and very over-rated. The graphic are very nice and I really enjoy the music but for me the gameplay is too unpredictable. Bullets come from everywhere and you die constantly making any sort of progression impossible. Such an annoyance of a game and not a rewarding experience on my end.

Rampage, 04 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

This is a superb game but it just feels too short for me, like you'll only last around 4 or 5 levels and then it's game over. But it's still a great game and I had a lot of fun playing it.

Tower of Evil, 04 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

The game had potential after I found the first part enjoyable, then once I used the found key to get to the next area the gameplay changed and that's where it began to suck just when I was beginning to really enjoy it.

Son of Blagger, 04 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

This is totally uneventful and atrocious! You can't far in this game without touching anything that leads to death. The game over sequence felt longer than the actual game!

BC's Quest for Tires, 04 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

I really like this! It's a really simple game to get into and it plays really well. I would now love to play the original version someday.

Hyper Sports, 04 Nov 2014 (Rating: 5)

This has always been one of my favourite games. In the arcade and the Spectrum. It still plays fantastically well today and it will always be a favourite it my eyes. It deserves to be considered a cult classic.

Street Cred' Boxing, 04 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

Boxing? More like punching a punching bag vigorously only to be told you failed, then you are meant to be fighting in the streets only to realise to can't actually hit him and instead you take a pounding and it's game over. Hardly boxing is it? It has a fantastic tune but nothing else.

Dream Warrior, 04 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

I got no enjoyment in this game at all. You just endlessly wander around and shoot for no reason, picking up items for no reason and the horrible graphics hardly help. Just a really terrible game.

Black Hawk, 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I kinda like this game but missiles move so fast it's hard to get a good shot at them. Plus you move quite slowly meaning by the time you reach a helicopter sitting on the other side you're dead. Certainly not a bad game, just not great either.

Tank Command, 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

It's not bad but you run out of bombs too quickly and have to rely on grenades which aren't as good. There's a good sense of strategy in this game but you may be left feeling more frustrated than accomplished.

3D Combat Zone, 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

This looks great but your tank moves far too slow making it pretty much impossible to avoid their fire while you can't seem to hit them as well. I'm sure this was great in 1983 or even 1985 but while lots of Spectrum games still play great today this one doesn't. I am sure I've played a better Battlezone clone out there somewhere.

Subterranean Nightmare, 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

While not a great game it's certainly a better Manic Miner/Jet Set Willy clone than Son of Blagger which I played earlier. Surely there are better clones but this is still a pretty nice game.

The Prize, 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

Well it's fast I'll give it that and it can be quite fun too but while I'm all for respawning at the same point you died rather than all the way at the beginning again, here it is a hindrance. You can die at the moving walls and then you respawn at the moving walls again, exactly at the same point which you died, meaning you can get stuck and lose all your lives at the one spot. So it's quite a nuisance but it's not all bad.

Megaphoenix, 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

I was never a fan of Phoenix, this however is pretty amazing. It's a very playable game and has great music that can be played during the game itself but I personally choose not to as it lags during the game and can be a distraction. I really enjoyed this.

Cagara, 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

The previous reviews from The Dean of Games and Raphie were hilarious and yes they served as warning shots for this game. Unlike them I won't use the word they mention which Cagara translates to as I didn't think you could swear in these reviews and I'm not going to start just because this one game which not only translates to it but practically is that very word. How do you avoid getting killed? What are you supposed to be doing? Out of all the games I've reviewed thus far this is by far the worst.

Double Take, 05 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This looks great and really well programmed but the gameplay just doesn't do it for me. It's just far too complex for my attention.

Fighting Warrior, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

At first I didn't really like this, then I started to get into it, it's not bad but it feels so limited, I can pretty much spam one move to beat my opponent which is a bit boring. The graphics are very nice but the gameplay is a bit on the downside.

Gemini Wing, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This looked great at first and has a nice title tune at the start but the gameplay isn't very effective. It's not so much you can't see the bullets but they are too far and hard to avoid, especially homing bullets. Some enemies are a lot faster than you as well, making it difficult to avoid contact with them. Power ups are collected and can be used but they won't help much throughout. I am willing to call this a poor conversion due to its gameplay flaws.

Hideous, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I sorta like this game, there's a good bit of exploring to do and I'm still getting to grips with it currently, but I'm enjoying it and can't see a reason to give it a low score.

Netherworld, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I really want to say this is a great game, but it's not. It's too complex and the timer goes by too quickly, it pretty much doesn't give you enough time. The fire never seems to work for me and I was left feeling frustrated and bitterly disappointed, almost betrayed. This has excellent title music and wonderful design, but the gameplay again is the main drawback.

Rad Ramp Racer, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This looks like it could have been been fun and I was really digging the title music, but the half pipes are a real pain, no matter what I do I can't manage it. If only for that I'm sure this'll be a lot of fun.

O.K. Yah!, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

This game isn't well received by other reviewers here or with World of Spectrum users, and it doesn't take long too discover why that is the case. Wow this sucks! I have so far found it impossible to last more than 20 seconds per life. Why do the objects kill you after you've shot them? Why are clouds so harmful? Why does it take him so long to move around the screen? I don't know what else to say other than this is terrible.

Mega-Apocalypse, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

This is really good fun but it's a shame there isn't more to it, it just seems to be the same throughout. It can also be quite difficult but overall I had fun with this game. The music is playing throughout is amazing and really helped me to enjoy this.

Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

This game makes no sense! It's supposed to be a Balloon Challenge which would make you think you are racing in a Hot Air Balloon, but you're not, instead you are an eagle trying to shoot down planes and missiles to protect your balloon. Most of the time I can't shoot them anyway. What a really crappy game!

Fred's Fan Factory, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

Interesting idea to this one, you have to get your balloons to the top of the screen using fans but spikes but them. The problem is it's impossible to play this game when more than one balloon is on the screen as you move so slow. Also you have the pull a switch to turn the fans on but most of the time you go to turn them on you don't manage it pull them. It's a nice idea but it's very badly executed.

The Addams Family, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Despite the colourful graphics and the amazing music but the gameplay is ineffective. It's very difficult even on easy as the controls are very awkward. The jumping doesn't quite work well plus I hate the way Gomez moves so slow at first and then suddenly picks up his speed, making things more difficult than it should be. For me this is a very overrated game.

Chain Reaction, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I like the look the this game and how it plays, but the main problem I have is I was often left confused with the controls and the speed, one moment I'm going slow and the next I'm going really fast and that confused me a lot.

Nebulus, 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I should have taken The Dean of Games' advice before I looked at this game, this is way too tough for my liking and thus I can't enjoy it at all.

Pool, 07 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Not a terrible pool game but it just doesn't work very well. The balls easily stick together often which makes if difficult to play your shots. One player mode drags out but two player mode is more enjoyable. I am fairly certainly though there are better pool games than this.

The Omega Zone, 07 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

And from the same author of the Pool game I just reviewed come this Crash freebie, and it's just as well it was free. It tries to by a mixture of Space Harrier and Deathchase but doesn't come close to replicating either of them. The scrolling is awkward and it goes too fast plus you can't hit anything most of the time. I'm much preferring Pool already.

Flux, 07 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

There really isn't a lot to this game, you just go through the magic hedges to collect gold and toadstools while avoid the gardener, his spade and his wheelbarrow, and that's it. It's playable but there's just no variety to it.

Chiron, 07 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This is a very underwhelming game, the movement is slow but your energy goes down almost too quickly. You can also use your bombs too easily and run out before the level's even started. I was feeling very unimpressed with this.

Transversion, 07 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This isn't too bad really and I quite enjoyed it but the movement is quite hard and I hate that you've to start all over again after losing a life. But pleasant enough to kill time.

ATV Simulator, 08 Nov 2014 (Rating: 5)

This has always been one of my favourite games and one of the most addictive. Brilliant gameplay and one of my favourite title tunes. I absolutely love this game.

3D Tank Duel, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I just knew I've played a better Battlezone clone than 3D Combat Zone, and I was right. While this doesn't look as nice the gameplay is much better and I enjoyed this one much more. But again I reckon there's better clones somewhere.

Atom Ant, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I was pretty amazed to see the other scores for this game because it's what I have to give it as well. It's not bad but the movement is quite awkward and it seems too easy to hit an enemy. It was fun at first but then it died out.

Buccaneer, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I think this is a pretty decent game. There's not a lot in this and the colour clash is quite bad but I certainly got into this at least. I did find myself enjoying this game, for the long run through, probably not.

Cobra, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

It looks fantastic but the gameplay doesn't get me. I just found it too difficult to get into it. I remember buying it and being bitterly disappointed that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get anywhere with it, and today it's no different.

Don't Panic, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

It's like Jetpac but on wheels and with teddys, it scrolls very badly and it plays dreadfully too. This is just a pitiful game.

Edd the Duck, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

The graphics are very cutesy and very nice but the slow scrolling makes things very tricky as it's difficult getting your jumps rights. If not for that this would have earned a higher score.

Glug Glug, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

A very enjoyable game with nice simplistic gameplay. It's a little on the slow side but I certainly had a good bit of fun playing this game.

International Speedway, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

It may lack variety but it is speedway after all. The tracks are the same because the bikes have no brakes so therefore they can't manoeuvre around a proper track too well unlike a proper motorbike. My main problem is it's too easy to hit one of the other riders. It can get quite boring after a while but I still managed to find some enjoyment in this.

Karateka, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

I love Karateka it is a wonderful game, this port however? How can I describe it? It's a complete mess! It's slow, unresponsive, glitchy, the hit detection is off, the graphics are bad and it sounds like one of those fake PSP PopStations you will find on YouTube. If you want to suggest rubbish rubbish Spectrum ports I can strongly suggest this one to be a great candidate.

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, 09 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

The one player narrow screen is a nuisance and so too is the way the screens scrolls up and down while racing. Despite this it's still a great example of how a racing game should play with its fast speed and smooth scrolling.

Power Drift, 10 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

While not the best port it still holds itself well as a quality racing game, especially when compared with other racing games. I usually felt feeling disappointed with Activision's later titles in comparison to their earlier games, but this was a refreshing change to that theory.

Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz, 10 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This could have been a great game but the answers are too random, questions you know are right are given wrong anyway. Plus you may not be able to progress to the next level anyway if you don't have enough money, forcing you to collect your winnings which doesn't carry over to the next game meaning you start again. It's a shame that this turned out to be such a flop because it certainly looked the part but it's pretty poorly implemented.

I also want to mention loading the game on Spectaculator since I've read about people having issues loading this game from side B for the questions. For Spectaculator you load the game on side A as normal, then after you press fire when commanded you need to turn off Auto Play/Stop before you load side B, then when you open the file again and select side B you have to highlight the first turbo loading block and then manually press play, the game should then load.

Virus, 10 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I personally had a hard time with this one, the controls were a bit funny and clumsy and I found to hard controlling my hoverplane. I'm sure it's better on the 16-bit systems.

Swettibitz in Space, 10 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

I had a feeling this would be bad but wow this is horrific. The scrolling is terrible and most of the time your game is too short as it's a struggle to avoid contact with anything. If anyone manages to score more than 100 points in this you're doing well, I haven't gotten close to it.

Dominator, 10 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Easily not the best shooter on the Spectrum. The graphics are quite nice but the gameplay is pretty average, it's quite slow and it's easy to hit an enemy with your own ship rather than with bullets. I certainly wasn't impressed with this.

Plotting, 10 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

I love Plotting on the Arcade and I really like this port. It has really nice graphics and the gameplay is the same, but while I like the music here I'm disappointed that the music isn't the same as the arcade version. Nonetheless this is still a great version.

911 TS, 11 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Not much of a game really, it's too awkward to control and navigate through a largely unfair course. You get to choose your tyres, fuel and your engine but none of these seem to make any difference.

Paratroopers, 11 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I liked this at first but there are faults with this game that made me change my view quite quickly. Your gun moves quite slowly meaning it's tough to get from one side to the other, plus the parachute men are too random, you think they are fine and you can let them drop but then on the last second he deploys a parachute and lands. I was let down by this especially having liked this initially.

Quackshot, 11 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I have to say I rather enjoyed playing this but the game has some issues which means that while I like it I can't rate it more than average. The scrolling doesn't help but add to the game's difficulty plus the enemies are much faster than you and are unpredictably random. It's not a bad game though.

Ikari Warriors, 11 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

This is a well programmed game and very good fun. A little on the difficult side but nonetheless I still enjoyed this game.

3D Lunattack, 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

It's not a bad game but it just seems easier to be hit than to hit the enemies.

Space Station Zebra, 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

A very confusing and complex game that's full of bugs. Shooting on the far right destroys all the aliens no matter where they are and doing this 24 times completes the game. Hardly much of a game then and more like a bad joke.

Alien Insects, 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I did enjoy this in parts and managed to score 1885 points which I think is quite good given the hit detection is this game is so random. At times I t takes about 2 or 3 shots to register a hit while on other occasions you can just keep shooting at one area and you'll whip out all the enemies in one go. It's not that bad of a game really, it's just too random to take seriously.

Nonterraqueous, 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I really like the look and idea of this but it just doesn't quite work for me. I found proton thrusters tricky to avoid and decayed psyche is nuisance. It looks cool but it's very tough, especially with just one life.

Breakaway, 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

It's easily repetitive but nonetheless it's very good fun and a welcome challenge for you brain.

Crazy Cars, 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This a rather good and plays at a good speed but there isn't really a lot to this really, it gets boring quite easily. It also confuses the hell out of me. For instance the game sometimes tells you it's game over where you are still racing and eventually get a time bonus to continue, to read warning would be ordeal but game over? Soon Time Bonus gave me a chuckle though. And I could never understand what the deal was with the A looking like an O, so it reads like stoge 1 rather than stage 1 and congrotulotions, you ore one of the fostest men in the world, I'm dyslexic and this does me no good at all!

Exploding Wall, 12 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I like the idea of expanding the playing area to differ itself from most Breakout games but it doesn't work as well as I hoped, it's too easy to track of your ball and it's scrolling doesn't help well. It's not a bad game and all, I just feel underwhelmed by this and it wasn't as good as I hoped it would be.

Action Fighter, 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This plays at such a good speed but it makes it a bit tricky to avoid the other vehicles. The graphics also lose marks for me. It's not a bad game though.

Magic Carpet, 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I really like the graphics to this but it's near impossible to play.

Copter, 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

There isn't a lot to say about this, it's quite straightforward yet it's quite short. Shooting the enemies doesn't really matter here, just save your men and that's it. Hardly exciting and gripping yet it's not that bad.

Omadan Attack, 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

Well it's fast alright, probably too fast though. It's definitely easier for the Omadan Ship to hit you and you have to shoot through its force field with your laser, then you have to destroy it with your astro cannon, yet he can freely shoot through the field and kill you after about a few seconds, sometimes you are even hit with instant death. This is largely unfair and not implemented very well.

Zaxxon, 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I was pretty disappointed with this. Its slow and jerky gameplay made this quite difficult and while there's some nice use of colour I didn't really like the graphics in this. I hoped to be the one to break the trend and not give this a 3 like the others have and in a way I've achieved that, but not the way I'd like to have done it.

Athena, 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

The dreadful controls absolutely ruined this for me. The graphics are well detailed and the sound is excellent with some great beeper tunes, but playing the game is a nightmare. You can't turn back quick to hit enemies behind you, it's just so slow. I described Zaxxon, my previous review, as a disappointment, this disappoints me a lot more.

Terror-Daktil 4D, 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Some of the in game graphics are quite nice but the gameplay is most unflattering. I also don't like how the colours change frequently as well.

Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road, 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 5)

I have always enjoyed this game, it's very slick, plays at a nice speed and it's great fun. There are some minor controls issues with the game but nonetheless it's still an excellent game.

Crossfire, 15 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

It's a nice enough game that is easy to get into but I had issues with the crosshair which made it tough to progress as far as I'd like too.

Dirt Track Racer, 15 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

It was looking good at first but it's too easy to damage your car and the course layout confused the hell out of me. Not an effective racing game for me.

Cavemania, 15 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I hate the jumping in this game, it's so unpredictable. Great graphics and all but the gameplay doesn't match.

House of the Living Dead, 15 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I quite like this game, it's pretty straightforward to get into but there are issues with keyboard response, well it was 1983 after all. In spite of this I found some enjoyment in this.

Destructo, 15 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

I think this is a great game. Yeah the graphics clash but it has really exciting gameplay that I instantly got into. I'm really liking this.

Caverns of Kontonia, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

This is just one terrible game! There is little way to avoid the enemies and it won't take long for your game to end.

Laser Zone, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

The title screen lists this as an awesome game, but is it? No, it's very confusing for me. I like the idea but you have to be very quick with it and the cannon movements is very awkward. It's not a bad game but it certainly isn't "awesome".

Moontorc, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I was very disappointed in this. Given this was made by the same developers of Cavemania which I reviewed earlier I was hoping this would be a lot better, but it isn't. The movement is quite strange and it's too easy to hit the enemies with your body thus costing you health, even with a sword. Again the graphics are very colourful but the gameplay really disappointed me.

Days of Thunder, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

There are a number of pretty poor racing games on the Spectrum, then there's this! I can't begin to describe how awful this is, it's slow even with four gears and it gets boring almost as soon as you start, and that's only in qualifying and you still have to race! And people mention Out Run as a bad racing game, it was a disappointment yes but it isn't bad, this game defines bad racing game.

Out Run, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This isn't all a bad game but its flaws are so painfully evident and visible. The speed of the game leaves a lot to be desired, it suffers when there is too much on the screen at once and this slows everything right down, even on 128k, the fact is there are even games on BASIC which run faster than this game. The speed also causes steering to be hazardous at times. But I think the main reason this port was a disappointment was its multiload, especially when it's done in a want/found setup, meaning you might end up waiting quite a bit to play on through, so I normally play the +3 version to eliminate that. Everything else is fine, especially the wonderful music, but it lags so badly at times which ruins the fun of it. It's a shame.

Sodov the Sorcerer, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I quite like the name, it's clear meant to read like sod off which amused me. The gameplay is quite confusing at times but I do find enjoyment is this game, I think I probably would have loved this more if I was born in 1986 however.

The Tube, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I'm mixed about this. It started great, the title music is excellent and the first part was really fast and frantic while the other two parts were quite muted and flat. It's still quite nice but it's a pity it doesn't offer much more excitement in later levels.

Death Before Dishonour, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

The gameplay here is slow and largely ineffective. See you have a shield that sits in front of you and you have to protect it, the problem is you can also hit that shield and enemies can get in its way, meaning you are sure to hit in and run into it, after 100 hits, regardless of lives, the game is over. It just seems a bit pointless trying to protect something that's so easily hit. Also it's pretty slow and jerky which makes this difficult. I was hoping to disagree with its low score on World of Spectrum, now I can see why it's so low.

Implosion, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I would like to disagree with World of Spectrum's low score and like this game where most others don't on average, but I'd be lying. It moves fast but at times the hit doesn't register and is at large uneventful. But the main drawback is the graphic design, as its all green which makes it difficult to see the enemies, also the level background is so in the way of the gameplay. So this is quite a flat game with as little excitement as you can imagine.

Shinobi, 17 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

Coincidently I've just completed the XBLA version of the arcade game so playing this should have been a charm! but it's not quite. I love the way it looks as much like the arcade version as possible and I love the music, but yes playability is a bit funny, the jumping I dislike for instance and sometimes the big jump doesn't work when you want it to. It's nice but not as good as I'd hoped it to be.

Black Lamp, 18 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

It's a great shame this game had to be so slow, it probably has one of the slowest moving characters ever as it's tough to shoot at enemies behind you because of his slowness. I think had it been a bit quicker and smoother this would have been a great game.

Elevator Action, 18 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I never liked this game, not on the arcade, not on the PS2, which was the arcade version in a compilation, not on the Game Boy and not its sequel Elevator Action Returns, and it's no surprise I don't like the Spectrum version either. There is one reason however why I would take the Spectrum version over all the others, because the music here kicks ass! I hated the original arcade music but this game has different music and it is so much better. Apart from that this doesn't do it for me, it never has, anywhere, and I guess it never will.

Steel Eagle, 18 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This looks really nice with its colourful graphics, and the gameplay is fast, but that proves to be a problem as you seem to have no sense of control when a swarm of enemies come towards you, it's too easy to get killed, either by running into the enemies, or anything. Players have a reputation of great graphics and music but lacklustre gameplay in their games, this seems to fit that reputation.

Little Puff, 18 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

A very enjoyable game, great fun and it has lovely cute graphics and a jolly tune at the start, its short length is a bit of a downer though. Still it's in my view is overlooked amongst Codemasters' great games.

Hot Tyre, 18 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Wow Raphie is so right! The gameplay here is identical to Crazy Cars but with worse sound! Even the other cars looks the same, hell I wouldn't be surprised if the route is the same! It's not a bad game really but it's just a hack job Harry Price would be proud of.

Oriental Hero, 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

God what a horrendous game to play! You mostly die within seconds of playing! This has to be one of the worst games anywhere let alone the Spectrum!

Lightforce, 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

There's no denying its colourful graphics and smooth gameplay makes this one of the better shoot-em-ups on the Spectrum, but I just wish the difficult wasn't so brutal at times and I don't last as long as I'd like to which means I can't see a lot more of the game and that frustrates me.

3D Pinball, 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I love pinball games but this one felt a bit strange. The ball movement is quite weird here, it seems to travel on its own accord, changing speed when it wants to, this for me killed the excitement. One amusing point of the game for me was its very slow scrolling text at the bottom which near the end reads "Greetings to all Metallica fans", and greetings to you too Mr. Author. You know this isn't a good game when I'm commenting on that, guess I'm better off simply stating there are better pinball games than this one.

Dogsbody, 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

It's Boulder Dash with puppies and it's very bad. The level layout is extremely confusing and the enemies follow you all the time, thus you'll lose all your lives very quickly. Plus getting trapped with nowhere to progress and forcing a restart is so frustrating. A good idea when you look at it, but it's simply horrible to play.

Alien Swarm, 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

This can be perfectly described as basic as there is no background in the game apart from plain colour, however saying that I actually enjoyed this game, it's quite fun and can be considered a quick blast for sure. The main fault though is your ship moves a bit too fast which can be a problem lining up your shots with singular enemies or avoiding the fire from enemies in level 2. But I still had good fun with this game.

Kentucky Racing, 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

You can't fault the programmer for trying something different and be innovative, who knows the idea probably hit him one day and he just thought sod it lets do it, and he did. The problem is it doesn't work very well, rolling the ball into the holes to move your horse is a matter of luck, there are times it'll go past the hole but not drop in and there are times you'll go through a period without dropping anything, this makes the race more prolonged than it should be. Also despite there being three horses in the race it is essentially a head to head battle between you and the computer player beside you with third player who is nowhere to be seen doing next to nothing and its horse barely moves. So the idea is a great one and has never been done before, or since I think, but I think we can see why it hasn't been done since, because for the large part it is ineffective.

The very next race I did after posting this review the third horse raced through and won by a mile! So I was wrong about this third horse, it'll either sit at the back for much of the race or it'll just blitz through the field as if it's on steroids. So to call the third horse completely random is an understatement.

Puffy's Saga, 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

The game looks like a cutesy version of Gauntlet but it sure as hell doesn't play like Gauntlet. It can be quite unresponsive and you can get yourself stuck in a swarm of enemies which saps your health. I'm sure the original game was quite a hit but on the Spectrum it doesn't quite do it.

Devil Diver, 21 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

This very much reminded me of Glug Glug and it plays very nice. In fact I think I might prefer this game as it doesn't have the same slow issues Glug Glug had plus there is more gameplay in this one. This was really good fun and it can be addictive too.

Gilligan's Gold, 21 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This game is quite a headache! The controls don't function too well which makes things extremely awkward, especially picking up bags which I found annoying. Bagman itself can be a pretty fun game as well as frustrating, but this Spectrum version is all frustration and little enjoyment.

Harvey Headbanger, 21 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

The idea is a good one and certainly original, however I personally found the gameplay far too confusing to get into it properly.

A Trick of the Tale, 21 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

This is just another inferior Manic Miner clone with a crap setup and an insanely high difficulty. I never bother to play any of the Jet Set Willy copies but playing games like this make me want to, because I know I'll get more thrills from them compared to this.

Hyperbowl, 21 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

I thought this was going to be a shoot em up where you have to blow up your opponent to win, but it's not, it's played like Xeno where you and your opponent have to control a ball into the goal to score. This can be quite enjoyable at times but it does take an awful long time to score, meaning the game can bore out almost too easily. The movement is also quite confusing and as YOR states you tend to get lost too easily. While not a great game this still has some enjoyment in its own right, just not as much as I hoped.

Cyber Zone, 21 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This is not a bad game at all really, it just seems a little unfair at times and you die a lot quicker than you probably should. But it's still pretty enjoyable for what it is.

Butcher Hill, 21 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

Well this sure was a disappointment. It's quite slow and jerky and I was often left confused with what I should be shooting and what was killing me. I am open to editing this review when or if I reach the other parts of the game and describe them as I play them, until then this is all I can say about this.

Cybex, 24 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This could be have a much better game if there was more gameplay in it, but there simply isn't enough here to make things interesting and it can get boring quickly.

Agent X, 24 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This is rather good but the gameplay at times felt underwhelmed, but nonetheless it's an enjoyable game that features one of the best 48K title musics ever.

Master Brain, 24 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

A very nice matching game and worth the play if you are into these type of games. It feels pretty short bit there's different card sets to play with to vary things about.

Mystical, 24 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

This can be good fun but it's a little on the slow side and there are occasion where you'll go a while without a collectible meaning you can't shoot anything. It not bad but I suppose it could have been better.

Gold Rush, 26 Nov 2014 (Rating: 3)

Maybe I'm being a bit generous but I personally enjoyed this game and I got into this more immediately compared to my brother snekeel. You need to have good counting skills, a good sense of attention and plenty of patience with this game. It's obviously primitive but I found it to be a pretty fun game regardless.

Merry Xmas Santa, 24 Dec 2014 (Rating: 2)

This isn't the worse Christmas out there, but it's not the kindest either. These games are supposed to be fun and jolly like Christmas itself but this is far from it. As my brother stated in the previous review, snowballs appear too randomly in this game which for me spoiled the enjoyment as it's more or less a case of luck through this game. If you want a lot of fun throughout Christmas this definitely isn't the best option.

Special Delivery, 24 Dec 2014 (Rating: 3)

I liked this game, it felt very much like how a Christmas game should be. But it can be a bit on the slow side and I found it to be a bit too confusing at times. I enjoyed it but I wouldn't have it on my wish list every Christmas.

Xmas Eve, 24 Dec 2014 (Rating: 3)

This is actually a nice fun game. All you do is retrieve the falling presents and drop them down the chimney, when all houses have a present the game resets and you start again. The snow under the roof of a house is the timer and when you fail to deliver the gift when the snow melts the game ends. The one problem I have is its speed. I'm okay with it speeding up with each level but this game starts off fast and it doesn't give you a lot of time to get the presents, but the game can be helpful in that it drops the present directly in the chimney without your assistance, so did your gift come from Santa Claus or directly from the sky? A gift from God perhaps? But I really enjoyed this game but because it's the same level every time and it's fast from the start I can't score this more than 3. But this is pretty much how a Christmas game should be.

Santa's Xmas Caper, 24 Dec 2014 (Rating: 2)

I found this a bit humorous at first but like my brother says it's just a reworking of an existing game to fit a Christmas theme but in the end has nothing to do with Christmas. Pretty poor.

The Official Father Christmas Game, 24 Dec 2014 (Rating: 3)

Father Christmas has his own game! And it's actually quite good. There's three parts to this game, you have to collect parts of your sleigh while avoiding the elves which steal the parts from you, then you have to tell Santa what you would like your Christmas and then you as Santa has to retrieve them from the falling gifts and finally with your sleigh you have to deliver these gifts to America, Africa, Asia and Europe with clouds, birds and planes trying to prevent you. In all honestly it doesn't make total sense as you have to tell Santa what you want, yet other people in other continents get them but it's still pretty enjoyable. The third part though I think is an anti-climax and prevents this from getting a higher score. I wish everyone a Happy Christmas, enjoy your time with your families and please stay safe.

Enduro Racer, 27 Apr 2015 (Rating: 3)

This wasn't really bad but it wasn't really good either. The gameplay was fun albeit for a short while and so it wasn't as enjoyable as others had stated and as I'd hoped. Still when you look at the horrible C64 and Master System versions you can appreciate that while this is not that great and there are better racing games and better arcade ports on the Spectrum, this could have been a hell of a lot worse.

Final Fight, 03 May 2015 (Rating: 2)

I was very disappointed with Final Fight on the Spectrum but then again I shouldn't have been so surprised as a number of Capcom games were really bad and this happened to follow that trend. It's very slow and choppy, plays at a horrible frame rate, not very enjoyable at all. I personally think there was too much detail in this game that caused it to play slow. Fighting games with less detail play smoother, faster and more of all, better, much better. I love Final Fight but the Spectrum port doesn't do it for me, perhaps it's one conversion it could have done without.

Albatrossity, 03 May 2015 (Rating: 5)

I was hoping this would be good having read the other reviews and I certainly wasn't disappointed. This is an excellent game, loads of fun and very addictive, it's a game I've found myself playing over and over again.

Astroball, 03 May 2015 (Rating: 3)

This looked good and it sounds great with its cool 128K music, but I struggled to get into this. The concept is pretty basic and looks straightforward but believe me it isn't, for it to be challenging and to test your true ability is one, for it to be accompanied by crap scrolling is another, and that's what spoils the game terribly. Everything else looks and seems fine but the gameplay is a but flawed. A pity really because I really thought this would be a game I would enjoy, but it's not.

Altered Beast, 06 May 2015 (Rating: 2)

This could have been a massive hit for Activision, but the poor graphic design and flawed gameplay ruin this port. Not only does it look bad it also plays bad too. A very disappointing arcade conversion.