
Reviews by davidchristmass (1)

Spectrum Cross, 20 Feb 2009 (Rating: 5)

As I remember, this version of frogger appeared as a type from a magazine either Your Sinclair, or Your spectrum, anyway it was a magazine typo, roughly about 3 evenings hard labour of about 5 hours each night instead of homework: oh the wonders of mis spent youth! But wow when it ran: this was the best version of frogger ever made!

I used to have the magazine but gave it to the charity shop! I along with many others spent literally hours pawing in the code there were about 3 pages, and as each page of YS carried two columns of speccy listings thats a shed load of code, and of course as it was a listing, once entered you had to debug, I was meticulous about my coding I checked and double checked before running, and always saved before the test run: if you did n't and it crashed you had to type it all over again.

I think some aspect of this program required Z80 assembly, and you entered the assembly with a code loading program, and typed out the hex characters on the keyboard, as graphics between quotes. That aspect of the game is probably what made it the best version of frogger that ever was created, if was fast for the spectrum, and I just loved the crocks swimming about in the sea as a kid! It played well on the spectrum.

My final typed version was archived, and stashed carefully on tape, but when I went to university, the tapes and computer all ended up down the charity shop as I had to sell my house, and had no room. I am sure some kid is benefiting from literally loads of hours of fun from all the games, I left down there, and I am sure that the speccy community has not in fact lost the assets, as they will all appear back online soon.

As a kid, I learned shed loads about computing from doing the graft, how I wish now that the fellows doing IT had half the with of the late 70's and 80's generations.

Copyright and legal nonsense killed open access to source codes, and that is why IT is such a terrible industry today to have anything to do with: there are good resources still, the open source forge projects are great resources.

David Christmass