
Reviews by Cagney (6)

The Magnificent Seven, 24 Dec 2016 (Rating: 5)

Absolutely perfect compilation. And all for £9.99 (or was it £9.95?), lol.

Excellent :)

Speed King 2, 24 Apr 2017 (Rating: 5)

I actually really liked it. The 'Silverstone' track was the easiest to negotiate. And with a 2-player option, it's brilliant.

I remember using one half of the keyboard while my brother used the other half. It was hilarious because I used to press a certain key to reduce his speed thereby making me the winner all the time.

He could never understand why he lost all the time :D

128 - 4 Pack, 12 May 2017 (Rating: 5)

Got this free (along with a 6-pack) with my Speccy just after Christmas '87.

Great memories :)

128 - 6 Pack, 12 May 2017 (Rating: 5)

As mentioned re. the 4-Pack from the same folks (Tynesoft), I got this free with my Speccy just after Christmas '87.

Great memories; had to give it 5 stars :)

Double Dragon, 12 May 2017 (Rating: 1)

Absolutely dreadful. Great in the arcades and I was pretty excited when they ported this to the humble Speccy.

Spent £10 on this (a huge amount back in 1989), and was rather peed shall we say.

The programmers must have been laughing all the way to the bank with this bag o' shite.

Orion, 07 Jun 2017 (Rating: 5)

Really enjoyed this little gem. You could change the speed of the game by pressing keys 1 to 4. But that also meant the timer went down quickly too.

I can remember completing this but not sure if it was a dream or reality :D