
Reviews by Xoperatr (58)

Skool Daze, 06 Feb 2020 (Rating: 5)

So long ago, and this gem looks more than time-tested. There's a story of rediscovering this game to very young children, to compare with nowadays favs and discover something new.
Hard to believe 6 years old, 7 years old ones, amused by the qaop emulator version of skool daze, referring to it as "the one at school". Funny how they ask for something as simple as the up keys..."how do you go upstairs?", leaving Eric long time lying on the ground after being hit instead of trying with S key, jumping crazy far from the shields and so on...
Being used to simpler games, they have a completely new experience, lots of keys ... or even the unpayable name changing ritual.

Head over Heels, 02 Mar 2020 (Rating: 5)

Probably the most iconic ZX game. Surely (or almost) the absolute pinnacle, not only for the Speccy, but for the totality of the 80's software. Yes. it's a dare affirmation, but HoH it's too much.
Note that the technical aspects are not always able to make a game immortal, in the case of the "chosen ones", there must be, not a balance, but rather an outstanding feat for all purposes; i.e. every aspect of the game must be Superb. This is the case.

Atic Atac, 06 Mar 2020 (Rating: 5)

This is a great achievement, a great game by Ultimate directly from the first whole year of existence of the venerable Spectrum. Not to say about the excellent level regardless of the time it was conceived.
Atic Atac is ahead of its time in more ways: it resembles so many games (I'm not only thinking about RPGs, or the likes, there is much more) of the last years in many aspects...

Gunfright, 27 Jul 2020 (Rating: 5)

Well, here we go with another iconic ZX game. Not so for the typical characteristics that every average ZX fan would demand as for the excellent technical section. What happens...Well, these same marvels were already "very seen". But that does not take away the merit.
This game features Filmation II and that's more than sufficient to be very high regarded.

Zynaps, 14 Aug 2020 (Rating: 5)

The best testament to the great feat this was to the entry in Spectrum's "really hi-quality games" club is the joy of young school kids when they play it on qaop emulator. Everything else was already said so long ago...
Pure quality, the Maybach of Spectrum games.

Hydrofool, 22 Aug 2020 (Rating: 5)

Pretty, pretty pretty videogame, and in fact one that gives you the false impression to be much bigger than really it is, say a 128K one.
Neat, big and equilibrated present for the Spectrum, a perfect example for a 5/5 software

Ghosts 'n Goblins, 29 Aug 2020 (Rating: 5)

It's Saturday morning and what better way to celebrate it than by remembering what groups of kids did at the 'Leo Computer' store every Saturday morning: exchanging and copying games thanks to the double deck radio cassette player they owned and kindly let us to use to copy till 2 games per kid.
And what better game than the most desired by all: Yes, it was not the best but G'N'G was the most desired

Frank N Stein, 23 Sep 2020 (Rating: 4)

I didn't know (back in the day) anything about Frank n stein but it's extremely simple and effective
Good inspirational example
And good to see Dr. Frankenstein as Hero.
Also, one of the few games with a Mad Scientist as starring ??? (remember Dynamite Dan, he was the anti-hero)

DreamWalker: Alter Ego 2, 24 Sep 2020 (Rating: 5)

One of the Best ever.
only complaint: it benefits the most from the new programming techniques and the Computer aided design
Other than that, perfect in every respect

Sir Fred, 13 Oct 2020 (Rating: 4)

An early example of a game that implements physical laws. In such an ancient time, this was of a lot of merit

Also good graphics with comical style.

This was a very good "training ship" for Paco Menendez, Later reaching perfection in a certain Abbey

La Abadia del Crimen + Sir Fred, 13 Oct 2020 (Rating: 5)

These were the best Spanish games according to some. Imagine having both in one package.

Paco Menéndez, critically involved in both. Just think ...
HOW good a programmer should he be?

Orion, 20 Oct 2020 (Rating: 3)

Good example of how were ancient games

La Abadia del Crimen, 20 Oct 2020 (Rating: 5)

Fabulous technical, atmospheric display .... and even with very originality!.
To achieve perfection you should have some good atmospheric music in the game, something terrifying to help you immerse yourself even more. As poor Spectrum chip is so limited you can try with your own copy of a Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath album! Paco Menéndez gives his best...
may his soul rest in peace

Android One, 24 Oct 2020 (Rating: 2)

Indeed, this is an entertaining game that is not wonderful (almost the opposite, in fact) but it is the prelude to the best that was to come

Android Two, 25 Oct 2020 (Rating: 3)

This instead is a more polished game and above all detailed.
You know, you start to see quality
Cyclone and TLL aren't so far now :)

Myth: History in the Making, 25 Oct 2020 (Rating: 5)

Getting ahead of Prince of Persia

Livingstone Supongo, 26 Oct 2020 (Rating: 5)

I played this with my cousin in his amstrad. Good memories till a screen where you had to jump all the way across opposite side. Apparently it was impossible with the pole . So there finished our interest. Nonetheless, we still recognize such a pintoresque game

Amaurote, 30 Oct 2020 (Rating: 5)

This is an incredible creation packed with details from superior computers. Literally because in the preliminaries of the game you can even see multicolored effects.
Cool atmosphere and fun.
Let's scare those damn flies away!

Comando Quatro, 30 Oct 2020 (Rating: 4)

Interesting and very well presented.
This also has details that are superior to an average game.

Above all, its appearance invites you to try it.

Danger Mouse in Making Whoopee!, 07 Nov 2020 (Rating: 3)

These Danger Mouse series are fun and cool.

The former is more addictive. This is fine but it really serves to remind you of good graphic work because in general it does not reach the same level.
At least it does a good job with the different playing areas

Jungle Warrior, 11 Nov 2020 (Rating: 4)

Good looking and appealing Only thing do not forget at that time, too many games looked good but at the same time they seemed too standardized.

Otherwise an entertaining jungle walk

Jungle Fever, 11 Nov 2020 (Rating: 3)

This other walk through the jungle is quite curious.

Flickery, though.

Danger Mouse in Double Trouble, 11 Nov 2020 (Rating: 4)

This other one brings very good childhood memories.

Like from another past (and better ) era.

Nonetheless, one of the best early games with 3 different playing areas/views

Ant Attack, 14 Nov 2020 (Rating: 5)

The surprising thing about this game is how in a time when games were so basic and crude the programmer could come up with this idea and this concept. And materialize them so brilliantly

The Sword of IANNA, 14 Nov 2020 (Rating: 5)

I love the style and atmosphere of This new game. It's so lovingly "Barbarianesque" and of course "Rastanesque".
I mean, it's a modern creation but it deserves Credit and Kudos.

Maziacs, 14 Nov 2020 (Rating: 4)

This is instead a really old game. But it also deserves recognition.

I hardly dare to deviate from the general feeling to give it a grade of 4. Deserved.

Zombie Zombie, 16 Nov 2020 (Rating: 4)

I like it. IT'S not that bad. It's only that it brings few news with respect to its father software (AntAttack) Nonetheless it would have been better with a little attention to detail...
After all, the core of the software was already designed and successfully put into good use and worldwide tested

Moon Cresta, 12 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

Without any trace of doubt, one of the two or three biggest classics if we speak about arcade or ported to ZX.

i.e. not a "native" game but an external one brought to ZX to continue exploiting its success

...and probably much better than it would have to be, viewing another similar efforts

Boulder Dash, 12 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

Did I speak about unforgetable classics? Well put this also cos'it must be in high regard also.

Tons of hours, different plays, excellent replay value.
Mining and being careful with gravity, never so funny. Chasing foes, and freedom to trick them into traps, unforgetable.

Boom Bot, 13 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

Another one of those modern games (although at the time of writing this review it appears to be 13 years old). Only, this is not the typical one that makes intensive use of techniques to put as much color and variety as possible. On the contrary, it is limited to fulfilling a well-deserved tribute to Ant Attack.
This time you must find nuclear devices scattered around the city. Remember the old marvel of Sandy White in a landscape that also resembles Antescher!

Batty, 19 Dec 2020 (Rating: 3)

What a shame to be so difficult to play this for so long to be able to complete any screen without taking the twin Jet (or whatever be its name)

That core problem aside, it's a decent software

Zombie Calavera Prologue, 19 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

This game rocks!
I 've seen young kids playing it, so it's definitely a good game.
Yes, back in the 80's it sure would have been very appreciated

Nodes of Yesod, 20 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

Magnificent game with very good details.
If, it's true like they said that the betaversion was lost in a System Crash and programmers had to hurry up with a "improvised" definitive code, ... then hats off ... it has so much merit..

Also, it 's true to resemble Underwurlde. .But with the help with a mole as a second Hero

Krakout, 23 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

After Batty, turn for Krakout

It was a very funny game.It wasn't one of the very best overall, but well done, and true to be representing with dignity the Arkanoid style.

In fact it was already one of the best in its genre

Earth Shaker, 30 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

We were talking about the Boulder Dash but here we have a great follower / copycat.
Beware that it can also be responsible for taking off many hours of work or sleep!

As if that were not enough, the creator's last name is Batty (!).

Back to Skool, 07 Jan 2021 (Rating: 5)

I took the trouble to write a [new] Skool Daze`s review.
...when I discovered to my amazement that I had already done so. Unforgivable mistake forgetting such a masterpiece (the game and my review, he he he).
In Back to Skool you recall all those ingenious adventures. But with the presence of Erik's girlfriend.

the school is different, and next to it there is another one of girls.

It's also mind-blowing fun with new gags and details

And what else can be said? It is like the proper Skool Daze but renewed but without grotesque deterioration as happens with too many second parts

Space Invaders Emulator, 14 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

Good but not excellent

Trying to elaborate. ..

I could not find it, I suppose because of the restrictions of the property rights of the ROMs but in the video it looks great. And as an initiative it has merit.

Super Space Invaders, 14 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

Also good but maybe less
(Comparatively with Space Invaders Emulator)

I mean, it lacked innovation. It's more or less poor to be so many years younger

Shao-Lin's Road, 16 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

Unforgetable, when it comes to Martial Arts/Oriental themes

Justin and The Lost Abbey, 16 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

Very funny and polished.Altough a bit repetitive

Nonetheless it's an equilibrated modern title
Something more about the prolific Space Invaders

It is a parody. Its creator wanted to make fun

Retroinvaders + Gimme Bright, 18 Jan 2021 (Rating: 3)

This is way better. Also, it comes with company

splATTR, 23 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

What a funny little gem.

I didn't know about its existence. Good catch.

Saboteur II, 29 Jan 2021 (Rating: 5)

I've made my review of Saboteur! but this second part was waiting for me to praise it.
They already said it all, it's a superb game that take advantage of the strong points of its older brother. Great map, action, graphic environment and plot/mood

Las Tres Luces de Glaurung, 29 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

All action in a medieval / fantastic setting.And there's no lack of action or skills

Great game,,no doubt. Funny and with adventures through a Castle.

Galaxians, 01 Feb 2021 (Rating: 4)

Another ported arcade starring spaceships
Simple but funny

Pac-Mania, 02 Feb 2021 (Rating: 4)

Great way of making something new to another apparently used concept

Sweevo's World, 02 Feb 2021 (Rating: 4)

One of the greatest when it comes to the use of humour. And full of charm.
You just don't jump! Make your way through across a great map using some other arguments!

Jack the Nipper II: In Coconut Capers, 06 Feb 2021 (Rating: 5)

Fantastic Show of skills and colourful mastery.
I love this game!
This second part of an humorous classic takes it to another level. And it's an example of how to make things better when a second part is envisioned.

I love how you disappear behind the background!

Extreme, 23 Feb 2021 (Rating: 4)

SmashTV is not a bad game but it made me remember some of the best games from D.Perry
I think Extreme is s nicely good example. It plays well and looks good
That crashed UFO makes me get inspired

Alien 8, 24 Feb 2021 (Rating: 5)

With Alien 8 I really did not miss anything that a good game should offer

Incredible the number of high quality games and so different from the current market (and even from each other if we count them as batches of similar games) that Ultimate managed to publish in just a few years.

This is probably their most polished and elaborated game.

Firelord, 26 Feb 2021 (Rating: 5)

Maybe one of the last great classics that I was missing

Today we are flooded and saturated with relatively similar games. I'm talking about RPGs.
However Firelord is adorable. And it had a great impact and we have to admit that.
Wandering around with no clue was funnier than today ' s.

Altered Beast, 06 Mar 2021 (Rating: 3)

typical late 80's "blockbuster" for 128K

It is fairly entertaining, not bad at all but it lacks the charm of the great classics
It doesn't deserve such low marks either

Impossamole, 12 Apr 2021 (Rating: 4)

If what you want is to view some bats flapping their wings gracefully, here is a very suitable game... and an unforgettable character:Rick Dangerrrr..Monty!! That is, Monty the mole.

Fighting Warrior, 20 Apr 2021 (Rating: 4)

true that this is not a historical or wonderful game but the creatures are well displayed (although with problems in the printing -not like that in the start screen, by the way-). But above all do not miss the final animation (when you success, that is)

Mega-Apocalypse, 28 Apr 2021 (Rating: 3)

Vixen reminded me of the mediocrity of Martech games, even the best they were capable of.

ha ha ha I guess the Martech games all had Systematically one thing in common: they were embarrassing.
It did not matter if it was Vixen, Nemesis the Warlock or whatever, the poor people of Martech weren't able to come up with a winning formula
That is why I would like to name a game that without being too good can at least be considered the best of Martech , altough that in itself is not any warranty at least that's a kind of consolation prize.
In fact, Mega-Apocalypse wasn't by any strecht of imagination a real good game.
But at least it was somewhat average

Knight Lore, 14 Jun 2021 (Rating: 5)

Well, this in a nutshell deserves to be considered the best of all the historical best games in any platform that appeared to forge a new epoch and managed to establish a new standard.
In fact a standard (isometric view games I mean, not the arcade adventure) that is so alive today, ten years ago, or 20 or in another ten years time from now if you prefer... that is the overwhelming choice for so many genres from so many years in so many mobile platforms... or the strategy games in the 90 's if you prefer. All are in debt with this magnificent marvel. A marvel in all the senses in fact.
Because, apart from the amazing visualization techniques and the smoothness of the action (for so much complexity that this program has), here you have the best sound, the best music, inexplicably good graphics (without sub-pixel precision before antialiasing was possible thanks to the use of intermediate colors), and the usual touches of humor, originality and creativity of Ultimate.

A revolution that helped to shape digital entertainment. Funny and interesting, amazing and unforgettable.

That's the Spirit, 17 Sep 2021 (Rating: 3)

I Also wanted to join those who remember Mr. Sinclair.
I'll try to ellaborate: this game has a fake reset that puts you in the main screen, so it always forces you to remember the company, and hence the creator of this little machine.