
Reviews by [email protected] (17)

Make-a-Chip, 06 Nov 2020 (Rating: 4)

warning that this is no "video-game" ¬
Instead, it`s educative software related to logic gates .But that nowadays it`s better than play
"Ant Attack" back in its day in Spain ...

.... here you got it ...


Basil the Great Mouse Detective, 20 Nov 2020 (Rating: 4)

funny graphics, one of the best cartoon mice you could found at ZX land (along with Danger Mouse)

Clerky, 21 Dec 2020 (Rating: 1)

I never believed that I would meet this little garbage again.
In Spain it was marketed as "El Cartero Loco" -the crazy postman- but it was not bought individually, it came as an addition to the typical magazine tape.
By then a friend and I found it funny. obviously it's a game made in BASIC (maybe some assembler routine for the keyboard and little else). Example of a poor game that does not contribute anything, except in the nostalgic section (due to childhood and personal memories, that is)

Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh, 23 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

Yes very muchgood.
popularized among teenagers back in its day.
First and second, this case, were among the most popular choices, thanks to arcade machines among other things.

Death Pit, 23 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

Yes, I remember reading in a couple of Spanish web pages about the fate that this little gem ran.
I downloaded it, just to see it, and ended up playing it with interest.

A game whose code was used to make Saboteur cannot be mediocre. Well done Clive Townsend!!

Boulder Dash, 28 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

ha ha ha damn game.
How many hours will I have stolen from the company in the office playing it secretly, taking care that no one saw me

not having to be the Spectrum version, of the many that there are, whether they are emulated or if they are on a mobile phone ... even in JAVA on an old but endearing nokia !!!

Tetris 2, 30 Dec 2020 (Rating: 5)

perfect for these time-out moments at office.
what more can I say? ah yeah ... trying to not get caught

Tetris, 30 Dec 2020 (Rating: 5)

and when I get tired of the second with all its ornaments I go to the classic one, the immortal one

Saboteur!, 30 Dec 2020 (Rating: 5)

This was also always one of the ones we kids liked. It is true that it was a forerunner of the stealth aspect, less than he would have liked but enough to get us excited and get hooked.
Being a ninja is second to none.

Double Dragon III + Rod-Land, 08 Feb 2021 (Rating: 4)

Start another week emulating old glories at the office.
For today a doublet. Child action and youth violence.
Let's enjoy :)

Jack the Nipper II: In Coconut Capers, 15 Feb 2021 (Rating: 4)

Wow this was great Look at the colors. And it' s so funny and full of action. Ahead of its time

Alien 8, 22 Feb 2021 (Rating: 5)

You have convinced me to try the benefits of this little gem.
When playing sneakily in the office, deep analysis are reserved for the gaming itself. So Let's go Alien 8!

Five hours later I can give a verdict

Alien 8 - 5/5
Productivity in the office - 0/5

Three Weeks in Paradise, 08 Mar 2021 (Rating: 4)

Another week another morning at the office.

Today Three Weeks in Paradise, a luminous, colorful and melodic game, which for nothing but that already deserves one of the highest possible ratings.
But somehow I lower that Rating from 5 because the addings in the 128K version are ridiculous

Trap Door + Through the Trap Door, 19 Apr 2021 (Rating: 5)

Starting a new and boring work week at the office. Solution: To play old glories of the Spectrum days.

Remember when Guns' n roses released two double records? Well, that's what this week will consist of. Two doublets with historical games and their respective second parts
'Trap Door + Through the Trap Door'
'Cauldron I & II'


Trap Door needs no introduction, it was a breath of fresh air and its graphic peculiarity is unforgettable and adorable as well as facilitating great gameplay full of humor.

Cauldron I & II, 19 Apr 2021 (Rating: 4)

This couple has some technical problems but generally speaking they are fine. The former has some flickering and clash color but makes up for it very well.
The second fixes all that but at the cost of a very difficult gameplay due to a control that depends on rebounds

Stop the Express, 10 May 2021 (Rating: 4)

This is one of the best classics!
Simple but effective.
Hilarious to play it secretly in the office!