The Easter Bunny has to water the garden with a bad cough by firstly figuring out the controls [#ID: 35670]

Availability: Available [A]

Release info: Year: 2016

Relation #1: Type: Inspired by [i] * Crap Idea Generator [#ID31410]

Legend: original/unchanged value * new added/changed value

-- #002120 by R-Tape
-- add small changes for 'The Easter Bunny has to water the garden with a bad cough by firstly figuring out the controls (Myke Pickstock)(2015)' [ID: 35670]
UPDATE entries SET availabletype_id='A' WHERE id=35670;
UPDATE releases SET release_year=2016 WHERE release_seq=0 and entry_id=35670;
INSERT INTO relations (entry_id, original_id, relationtype_id) VALUES (35670, 31410, 'i');

This entry #002120 was processed by druellan (21/02/2022 00:44:00).