Paws [#ID: 3637]

Comment: replaced false statement - the game was not withdrawn because of copyright infingement see

Note #1: A early development version of the game was titled "Cats" and was reviewed in Sinclair User. Artic were unable to obtain the rights from Andrew Lloyd Webber and released the finished version as "Paws". * Type: Remarks [R]

Legend: original/unchanged value * new added/changed value

-- #002765 by StooB
-- add small changes for 'Paws (Artic Computing Ltd (UK))(1985)' [ID: 3637]
INSERT INTO notes (entry_id, notetype_id, text) VALUES (3637, 'R', 'A early development version of the game was titled "Cats" and was reviewed in Sinclair User. Artic were unable to obtain the rights from Andrew Lloyd Webber and released the finished version as "Paws".');
-- Comment: replaced false statement - the game was not withdrawn because of copyright infingement see

This entry #002765 was processed by druellan (09/10/2022 17:22:21).