Games Pack [#ID: 25465]

Comment: title is simply "Games Pack", referred to in the instructions for Sports Pack, Warmaster Pack and Starwar Pack

Title: Games Pack

Group title #1: "4 Great Games On One Tape" [#ID: 369] * Category: --- * Type: Unsorted Set [U] * Link: ---

Legend: original/unchanged value * new added/changed value

-- #003108 by StooB
-- add small changes for 'Spectrum Games Pack 48K (Paxman Promotions (UK))(1985)' [ID: 25465]
UPDATE entries SET title='Games Pack', library_title='Games Pack' WHERE id=25465;
INSERT INTO members (tag_id, entry_id, series_seq) VALUES (369, 25465, NULL);
-- Comment: title is simply "Games Pack", referred to in the instructions for Sports Pack, Warmaster Pack and Starwar Pack

This entry #003108 was processed by druellan (04/03/2023 20:37:06).