Curso de Programacao BASIC e Operacao CP-200 [#ID: 2001101]

Relation #1: Type: Included with [w] * CP200 [#ID1000974]

Note #1: BASIC course book that comes with the {CP200|Prologica|1000974}. * Type: Summary [S]

Legend: original/unchanged value * new added/changed value

-- #003124 by tkfan
-- add small changes for 'Curso de Programacao BASIC e Operacao CP-200 (Editora Tecnica Eletronica Ltda (Brazil))(1982)' [ID: 2001101]
INSERT INTO relations (entry_id, original_id, relationtype_id) VALUES (2001101, 1000974, 'w');
INSERT INTO notes (entry_id, notetype_id, text) VALUES (2001101, 'S', 'BASIC course book that comes with the {CP200|Prologica|1000974}.');

This entry #003124 was processed by druellan (25/01/2023 14:11:11).