Gary Lineker's Superskills [#ID: 1984]

Comment: Roles taken from title screen. I haven't added a role for Shaun McClure as he isn't credited in-game; I assume he did the loading screen but don't know for certain so left this unchanged.

Original publisher #1: Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd [#ID: 5561] * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Company: Publisher/Manager [P] * Owner #ID: 5564

Author #01: Mark Incley [#ID: 9193] * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Person [+] * Team #ID: 15449

Code [C]

Author #02: The Team [#ID: 14493] * Country: --- * Type: Company [Z] * Team #ID: 15449

In-game Graphics [G]

Author #03: Arthur Mudd [#ID: 1316] * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Person [+] * Team #ID: 15449

Game Design/Concept [D]

Author #04: Shaun G. McClure [#ID: 13217] * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Person [+] * Team #ID: 15449

Author #05: Ben Daglish [#ID: 1605] * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Person [+] * Team #ID: 15449

Music [M]

Legend: original/unchanged value * new added/changed value

-- #003246 by Stu
-- add new publishers/authors/roles for 'Gary Lineker's Superskills (Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd (UK))(1988)' [ID: 1984]
INSERT INTO roles (entry_id, label_id, roletype_id) VALUES (1984, 9193, 'C');
INSERT INTO roles (entry_id, label_id, roletype_id) VALUES (1984, 14493, 'G');
INSERT INTO roles (entry_id, label_id, roletype_id) VALUES (1984, 1316, 'D');
INSERT INTO roles (entry_id, label_id, roletype_id) VALUES (1984, 1605, 'M');
-- Comment: Roles taken from title screen. I haven't added a role for Shaun McClure as he isn't credited in-game; I assume he did the loading screen but don't know for certain so left this unchanged.

This entry #003246 was processed by druellan (15/05/2023 02:24:27).