Sidewize [#ID: 4494]

Comment: Cover artist. SIMON ROBERTS according to this link.

Original publisher #1: Firebird Software Ltd [#ID: 4722] * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Company: Publisher/Manager [P] * Owner #ID: 1921

Author #01: Steve Wetherill [#ID: 13925] * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Person [+] * Team #ID: 10515

Author #02: Colin Grunes [#ID: 2656] * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Person [+] * Team #ID: 10515

Author #03: Simon Roberts * Country: UK [GB] * Type: Person [+] * Team #ID: ---

Inlay/Poster Art [A]

Legend: original/unchanged value * new added/changed value

-- #003255 by Audionautas
-- add new publishers/authors/roles for 'Sidewize (Firebird Software Ltd (UK))(1987)' [ID: 4494]
INSERT INTO labels (id, name, country_id, owner_id, was_renamed, labeltype_id) VALUES ((select k from (select max(id)+1 as k from labels) as x), 'Simon Roberts', 'GB', NULL, 0, '+');
INSERT INTO authors (entry_id, label_id, team_id, author_seq) VALUES (4494, (select id from labels where name='Simon Roberts'), NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO roles (entry_id, label_id, roletype_id) VALUES (4494, (select id from labels where name='Simon Roberts'), 'A');
-- Comment: Cover artist. SIMON ROBERTS according to this link.

This entry #003255 was processed by druellan (15/05/2023 23:52:40).