VIII Semana de Extremadura [#ID: 19040]

Comment: Reedition of previous year title: 'VII Semana de Extremadura'

Relation #1: Type: Derived from [u] * VII Semana de Extremadura [#ID42704]

Legend: original/unchanged value * new added/changed value

-- #003984 by antarias
-- add small changes for 'VIII Semana de Extremadura (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion (Spain))(1985)' [ID: 19040]
INSERT INTO relations (entry_id, original_id, relationtype_id) VALUES (19040, 42704, 'u');
-- Comment: Reedition of previous year title: 'VII Semana de Extremadura'

This entry #003984 was processed by druellan (09/03/2024 14:30:45).