Roland Garros [#ID: 16343]

Comment: Also published, with very slight variations, at magazine ZX #31 (June 1986)

Magazine: ZX [ES] * Issue: #31 - 1986/6 * Page: 34 * Is original: no * Type: Type-in * Review ID: --- * Award: ---

Legend: original/unchanged value * new added/changed value

-- #004033 by Neil Parsons
-- add magazine references for 'Roland Garros (Magazine MicroHobby - type-in from issue #44 - 1985/Sep)(1985)' [ID: 16343]
INSERT INTO magrefs (entry_id, issue_id, page, is_original, referencetype_id, review_id, award_id) VALUES (16343, 3740, 34, 0, 0, null, null);
-- Comment: Also published, with very slight variations, at magazine ZX #31 (June 1986)

This entry #004033 was processed by pavero (24/04/2024 23:05:44).