Instructions ============ Aliens have demolished a reservoir in order to flood the area and force people onto the roofs of their houses because that way they are easier to abduct. Your mission is to pilot a helicopter and rescue as many trapped residents as possible, depositing them onto a nearby ship. Alien bandits are on their way to the area and will attempt to abduct the trapped people, your mission is to stop them. You are armed with air-to-air missiles but these can only be engaged when you are not carrying a passenger. Pressing fire when a passenger is on board will eject the passenger. Falling too far or landing in the sea will kill the passenger. The control options are Kempston and Sinclair joysticks or redefinable keys. The game features Currah Microspeech support. It is recommended that it is played in the EightyOne emulator with 48K Spectrum as the selected hardware and the Currah uSpeech box ticked/checked. Have fun! Jonathan Cauldwell 16.06.2024