AIRBASE INVADER =============== Non-sexist, non-violent, satirical, arcade adventure. Kempston and Keyboard Joystick compatible. © CP Software 1984 TO LOAD A PROGRAM The procedure for loading a program is described in chapter 6 of the Sinclair SPECTRUM Instruction Booklet. For your convenience the procedure is summarized here. 1. Position the tape before the start of the program. 2. Ensure that the EAR socket on the SPECTRUM is connected to the earphone socket on your tape recorder. 3. Set the volume control to about half of maximum and any tone controls to: treble high; bass low. Alternatively, use levels that you have already found to be successful on your recorder. 4. Enter LOAD "" by pressing the following keys — J (for LOAD) symbol shift and P twice (for "") and press the ENTER key. 5. Start the tape recorder playing. CP Software © 1984 CP SOFTWARE. NO part of this program shall be reproduced without prior permission in writing. While every effort has been made in the production of this program the publisher undertakes no responsibility for errors nor liability for damage arising from its use. The material on this tape and inlay card, or any part thereof, shall not be copied for use by any other person or organization, neither shall it be loaned nor hired. Any resemblance of any character in this game to any person living or dead is unintended and entirely coincidental. CP SOFTWARE 2 Glebe Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2RD. MOVEMENT: LEFT - CAPS SHIFT RIGHT - Z UP - X DOWN - C BLOW KISSES - V Kempston and Keyboard joystick compatible. THE PLOT President Raygun clones are on the loose amongst the bunkers beneath USAF airbase Greenham Common, with one thought only upon their collective minds—to find the red nuclear attack button and signal the end of the world. Fortunately for humankind, our hero, Annie, has worked her way through the barbed wire and armed guards into the complex of bunkers and is set to use her feminine charms on the President Raygun clones and save the world from Armageddon. Needless to say there are plenty of other characters around who will try to prevent her. Can you help Annie in her quest? FEATURING: PEACE WOMAN, ANNIE — her only weapons are her feminine charms, agility and brains. Help her use them. RONNIE RAYGUN — don’t let him near the red button. HARRY HARDNOSE — photographer of the gutterpress, follows Annie everywhere, don’t let him get her in his viewfinder. OLD BILL — plods along slowly, but don’t let him nick her. IRON LADY — won’t be turned by Annie’sfeminine charms. SQUADDIES — don’t let Tommy Gunn use his tommy gun on our hero. Food, Drink, Maps, Secret Documents, and much more...