BILLY BLUEBOTTLE You are Billy Bluebottle, the ingenious, sophisticated and dedicated saviour of the fly world, gifted with the power of 'Superbluebottle' strength. Judicious use of this enables you to fulfil your missions with relative ease. But remember, you must endeavour to keep your strength at its peak by eating quantities of mouldy food. Billy is an intuitive and cunning creature so don't expect us to tell you what to. Suffice to say that on the first screen your mission is to rescue a fly from the flooding basement and somewhere in the building you will find a water pump. Good Luck! THE CONTROLS The game is Kempston Joystick compatible or Q Left W Right L Throw P Fly Author Ian Smart Programmer Mark Billingham LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Prepare your computer and tape recorder as described in chapters 1 and 6 of your introductory Spectrum Manual. Load and run the program by typing LOAD "" and then press the ENTER key. [Typed in by Gears of Games in 2023, from a photo of the original inlay card.]