BLADE RUNNER ============ The 21 st Century. Robot design had evolved to the Replidroid Stage - a living android virtually identical to a human droid. REPLIDROIDS were used off-world as slave labour, in the dangerous exploration and colonisation of other planets. The STAGE 6 REPLIDROIDS were superior in strength and agility, and at least equal in intelligence, to the genetic engineers who created them. After a bloody mutiny by a STAGE 6 combat team in an off-world colony. REPLIDROIDS were declared illegal on earth under penalty of death Police approved special bounty hunter squads - had orders to shoot to kill, upon detection any trespassing REPLIDROID. This was not execution. It was called retirement. A combat team of 24 renegade REPLIDROIDS has arrived on earth. Their mission — to destroy their creators and so end the slavery imposed upon the REPLIDROID race. You are a bounty hunter employed by the police for the sole purpose of retiring REPLIDROIDS. You start the game in police H.Q. in the centre of the city. In front of you is the control panel for your skimmer — flying car. The left side of the control panel shows a detailed map of one sector of the city. On the right a complete map showing the positions of the REPLIDROIDS and the hiding places of their four creators. Below is an information screen which is continuously receiving updates from police HQ. On the bottom left is a bonus indicator, showing how much bounty you have received in your quest for REPLIDROIDS. Next to this is a sector indicator. You must take off from police H.Q. and fly around the city searching out REPLIDROIDS. When you fly over the top of a REPLIDROID the information screen will tell you which REPLIDROID group it belongs to — STAGE 6 being the fastest and the most deadly. When you have decided which REPLIDROID to pursue, hover over it and then land. The screen display will now change to a city street. Your skimmer will land on the left of the screen and you must jump out, chase after the REPLIDROID and retired as quickly as possible. To aid you hunt you carry a portable scanner. This aids you in your pursuit. It enables you to see oncoming vehicles and any REPLIDROIDS within an area of three screens. This mission is a big break for a bounty hunter like you. You could make enough money to retire. But can you survive to enjoy it? CONTROLS Keyboard — UP = A DOWN = Z LEFT = N RIGHT = M All keys are redefinable. FIRE/TAKE OFF/LAND = Space Bar PAUSE = P Joystick in either port. CRL GROUP PLC, CRL HOUSE, 9 KINGS YARD, CARPENTERS ROAD, LONDON E15 2HD. © CRL GROUP 1985 This cassette is sold subject to the following conditions: Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, exchanging, public performance & broadcasting of the cassette is strictly prohibited. Made in U.K.