BLOCKADE RUNNER =============== By Graham Johns Under attack from a hostile alien power, the Earth's natural resources are fast running out. You and your team of hardened space-traders must reach the planet as swiftly as you can. But can you run the blockade around the globe and deliver the vital supplies before it is too late? Numberof players: 1 Joystock (Sinclair or Kempston) or keyboard control Cassette INTRODUCTION Under attack from an insane alien power, the Earth's resources are fast running out. You and your team of hardened space-traders must reach the planet as soon as possible. But the aliens have mounted a heavy blockade around the globe to stop anything getting in or out. Weighing up the odds, you decide to run the blockade and deliver the essential supplies. It will be dangerous, but your home planet is worth the risk. Can you deliver the vital supplies and help Earth fight off the invading hordes? GETTING STARTED 1) Before switching on the Spectrum, connect the joystick (Sinclair or Kempston) if this is to be used. 2) Connect the television to the computer and switch the television ON. 3) Connect the cassette recorder to the computer and switch the cassette recorder ON. 4) Place the BLOCKADE RUNNER cassette in the recorder and rewind to the beginning. 5) Check that the EAR lead is connected correctly and that the volume level of the cassette recorder is set correctly. 6) Type LOAD"" (do not leave a space between the quotes), then press ENTER. 7) Press PLAYon the tape recorder. 8) If the program fails to load correctly, try adjusting the volume setting of the cassette recorder and repeat from step 3 above. If the problem persists, refer to chapter 6 of the Spectrum Introduction manual. HOW TO PLAY 1) Once the initial program has loaded, the title page will appear on the screen. This will remain on display while the main program is being loaded into the memory (which takes about 2 minutes). 2) Once the game is fully loaded, a message will appear asking you to select the skill level (1 to 6). Before selecting the skill level, make sure that the computer is set up for the correct joystick or keyboard control: if you are using the keyboard or the Sinclair joystick, the word SPECTRUM should appear on the screen - if it does not, press S. If you are using the Kempston joystick, press K and the word KEMPSTON will appear. 3) The keyboard controls are as follows: 6 and 7 = Left and Right 8 and 9 = Down ana Up 0 = Fire button 4) To begin the game, press the appropriate number key (1 to 6) to select the skill level. Skill level 1 is the easiest. You will see your ship appear on the left-hand side of the screen. THE DISPLAY 1) The score is displayed at the bottom of the screen, on the left. 2) The bonus factor is shown below the score and relates to the part of the screen your ship is in. You will be awarded up to 4 times the normal score the further over to the right you fly. 3) Also the bottom of the screen, on the right, you will see the high score and the number of lives you have remaining. You start with 5 lives. THE RULES 1) Using all possible speed, you must try to get through the blockade and deliver vital supplies to Earth. There are 5 barriers to pass through - each one requiring a different technique. 2) First of all, you must navigate your way through a dense meteor shower without being hit. You can either avoid the meteors or shoot them. 3) Next, you will be confronted by moving laser barriers, which you cannot destroy. Pass above or below them, but do not let them touch your ship. 4) Then comes a barrage of space mines which must be avoided or shot. 5) The fourth barrier consists of highly dangerous tractor-beam units. As you flypast, they will either pull or push you off course, depending on which end you pass. You will need to be skilful to avoid a collision. 6) Finally, you must pass a fleet of Alien Line ships. They will fly at you and try to blast you from the skies. Out-manoeuvre them and shoot them before they get you! 7) Flying closer to the right-hand side of the screen will improve your scores. But be careful, it is also far more dangerous! 8) If you get through the blockade, you must transfer your cargo to an Earth ship, which will fly across the screen from right to left. If you press the fire button at this stage of the game, or press zero, your cargo pods will detach themselves from the ship and float upwards. You must release the cargo at just the right moment: it should float in front of the Earth ship, which must pass directly below the pod to collect it. 9) You have 3 chances to make a successful transfer. If you fail, you will return to the start without losing a life. 10) If you are destroyed you lose a life, and-if you have any left-you will have to pass through the same barrier again. At skill level 6, you must begin again - navigating your way through the meteor shower - every time you lose a life. 11) If you successfully complete a mission, you will begin again, but it becomes more difficult each time. 12) The game ends when you have no more lives left. WARNING: ALL RIGHTS OF THE PRODUCER AND THE OWNER OF THE WORK REPRODUCED RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, HIRING, LENDING, PUBLIC PERFORMANCE, RADIO OR TV BROADCASTING OR DIFFUSION OF THIS CASSETTE PROHIBITED. ® THORN EMI Video Limited 1983 © THORN EMI Video Limited 1983 Manufactured in the UK