BLOOD 'N' GUTS ============== Concept: Myra Edmonds Autor: J.R. Edmonds LOADING THE PROGRAM You will find the procedure for loading a program in the Spectrum basic manual, chapter 20. The procedure for loading Blood 'n' Guts is given below: Type LOAD "" Press ENTER Through the miracle of Dr. Hackers’ REDUCTO-RAY you find yourself inside the body of a very sick hypochondriac. Your only escape is to reassemble your submarine which, due to premature enlargement, has broken into eight pieces and distributed itself round the body. It is essential that your host does not die otherwise you die also. The assembly must be carried out in the brain. When the sub is completed it will shrink enabling you to escape via the eye. Whilst undergoing the above task there are several obstacles to hinder you. The most important are infections which will cause the body temperature to rise and finally kill your host. The location of the infection is displayed and the approximate position in the body indicated by a red flashing square. You must find the infection and destroy it using your laser gun. Many of the organs of the body, e.g. liver, gall bladder, pancreas and finally intestines, are blocked by tumors. These can only be destroyed by carrying a white cell to the location and allowing it to collide with the tumor. White cells are found randomly around the body, only two can exist at any one time. Swimming, standing and particularly firing the laser gun all sap your energy which must be replenished by collecting red blood cells. If your energy falls too low you will become invisible, but can continue with your task. Before this happens you turn red for a very brief spell. The lungs are particularly rich in red cells and can be used to top up your energy before embarking on a long journey. Red cells will never appear whilst you are waiting in a particular location, they must be found. After the first part of the ship has been assembled an outbreak of viruses occurs. They are green and cannot be destroyed. Luckily they take a few seconds to spring into life so it is possible to pass completely through them before they move. Some of the passages are blocked by yellow cholesterol which can be lasered, but will regrow when you return to the location. The inside of the stomach is white due to an overdose of Milk of Magnesia. However you can see where you are going by the black wake that you make. The seventh piece of the sub is in the stomach. If you return to the mouth via the oesophagus, the back of the mouth opens up giving you a quicker way to the guts for the next piece of ship. When finally all eight pieces have been placed correctly in the brain the sub reshrinks and you can then steer it through the small exit from the brain, through the optic nerve, and finally out of the eye. The conclusion of the game is initiated by landing on the table in the centre facing left. This causes the submarine to enlarge to full size and the last 4% to be added to the display which will read 1OO%. Pause Game - Press 1 Abort Game - Press 3 after Music On and Off - Press 2 © Copyright 1984 Quicksilva Ltd. All rights of the producer, and of the owner of the work being produced, are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use. WARNING: These programs are sold according to QUICKSILVA Ltd’s terms of trade and conditions of sale, copies of which are available on request.