THE BOXER ========= FEATURES Fight Commentary Ranked Fighters Fight Graphics Fight Records Prize Money Rest Option Ticket Sales Load Game Save Game 10 Levels 6 Venues 3 Gyms Betting Training: Roadwork Weight Training Medical Treatment Select Opponents Opponents Profile Status Report Stamina Sparring Strength Fitness Morale Ability In 'The Boxer', you have taken on the task of managing a promising young boxer to the World Championship - ultimate glory and adulation. It is your job, using skill and judgement, to take your boy to the top, by carefully picking and vetting his opponents, ensuring he stands a good chance of beating the fighters you choose to put against him. Then book the fighter to oppose him. You must pick your training venue to train him in, deciding on the number of weeks of workout he needs. Then train your boxer in areas of strength, stamina, ability and fitness, making sure your boy takes care of the weaker aspects of his boxing, in the weeks preceeding the fight. Winning means your boxer gets the prize money; his morale and ranking are increased as well as his fight records. Will he win the World Championships? With ten levels of play it's up to you.