CHALLENGE OF THE GOBOTS ======================= BY TONY CROWTHER AND ROSS GOODLEY Guide LEADER-1 on his most daring mission yet. You must stop the evil Gog from destroying your friends on the planet MOBEIUS - if you fail, not only will your chums meet a death worse than fate itself but the earth will be invaded by lots of horrible green things with an enormous appetite for scooters. Can you save the world? Can you load the game? and most of all can you wait to play this Crowther/Goodley masterpiece? SPECIAL FEATURES * Computerised Gobot book. * Amazing graphics and sound. * Game tweeker (change the game to suit you). * Really ugly enemies. * Incredibly, smug hero. The first thing to do is to load the book; without this the game will make little or no sense! LOADING THE BOOK - SIDE 1 SPECTRUM: SEE LABEL When the title screen appears press the fire button (after looking at the RATT ART!). To move onto the next page simply press the '+' sign (the '-' sign will take you back one page). To obtain the other features of the book move the pointer to the top left of the screen and hold the fire button down. Pull the highlight bar down to the option required and release the button. You can select individual pages, language (English, French and German) or turn on the reader, ie two horizontal parallel bars which ... well try it and see! (C64) Having read the book you should now be au-fait with the story behind the game and already cursing the evil Gog and wishing all the GOBOTS 'Good luck'. THE GAME Don't load it yet, Read on MacDuff You play the part of the courageous Leader 1 and by now you should know your fate. To pick up the scooter clones all you have to do is land on them. To release them (ie chuck 'em at things) you simply press the bomb key (described later). To wrench huge rocks out of the earth pull down on the joystick when you're on the ground (or up if you're on the ceiling!). These may only be used on the terra-firma and should be lobbed at anything you don't like. (Try not to practice in the living room!). Unfortunately the rocks have no effect on the bases .. sorry ... it would be far too simple. When you have destroyed all the bases by hurling scooters at them you will move onto the next level. If by that time you have managed to fill the score bar (by being particularly aggressive) you may be promoted and there is a distinct chance of an extra life. It is at this point that I could present you with an impressive table of baddies and their points. What is the point I ask you, you will no doubt see them in the game and kill them regardless of point value, just take Tony's and Ross' word for it, there are a lot of them and they all have different values except for those with the same. (?!.. ed) Well we here in the Ariola Ward think you should be ready to load up the game so Cassette owners Rewind to the beginning of side 2 and load and disk owners it's LOAD time again. Before you start to play the game there are a few buttons to press so here's what to do. Once the program is loaded and you are listening to the latest in We MUSIC press 1. Don't panic you still can use a joystick but you have to set the bomb key! Press 9 if you wish to change any of the features in the game. If you are a beginner you should change the land death to N. (Select and change features by using the cursor keys). If, on the other hand, you are not a beginner why are you reading these instructions? CAPS SHIFT 1: PAUSE GAME. F5 Starts the game at level 0 (practice level). FIRE Starts the game at level 1. Once playing the game you can abort with the Symbol/Caps/0 keys must be redefined! Well that's it. No more from me except I do get mention in the credits. P.S. Don't forget to rescue the humans if they fall out of the copter but you have to be top rank before that happens. Game Design and Coding Tony Crowther & Ross Goodley Highly Unlikely Storyline RATT Enscribed by K. Blake and R. Goodley Audio We M.U.S.I.C. Confusing Instructions IFRIT ©1987 Ariolasoft UK Ltd. Copyright subsists in this progrom recording. Unauthorised broadcasting, diffusion, public performance, copying or re-recording, hiring, leasing, renting or selling under any exchonge or repurchase scheme in any manner is prohibited.