DEATH OR GLORY ============== Across the immeasurable void of space, an incredible fleet approaches the peaceful island planet of New Stratford. Just a speck on the civil radar system, a simple spacedozer ship was sent to survey the conundrum. With horror, the pilot of the asteroid demolition craft saw the radar speck become a huge invasion fleet. Then like a storm of meteors they were on him. Android fighters peppering his collision armour with a shower of missiles. Automatically he ploughed into them, crushing their super-structures like insect’s thin shells. He cried out in fury and plummeted into a mothership, which ruptured into a blaze of dazzling plasma. “Death or Glory” he screamed triumphantly as his craft tore into the fleet. CRL Group PLC, CRL House, 9 Kings Yard, Carpenters Road, London E15 2HD. If this software is defective in any way please return to CRL for an immediate replacement. This software is sold subject to the following conditions: Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, exchanging, public performance and broadcasting of the software is strictly prohibited. Made in UK